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Uroš Laban is a Ph.D. in medicinal chemistry. He works to improve the health and happiness of humankind by creating and optimizing psychedelic compounds and their formulations through rigorous science and continuous innovation focusing on neurodegenerative diseases and depression. He resides in Dartmouth MA where he is an Honorific Visiting Scholar at the Department of Chemistry. Laban has studied astrology for 20 years and has published two books – Pandemic Astrology and Heavenly Wisdom. He focuses on medical, horary, and compatibility astrology. Laban is a chess and percussion master.
This prediction was made by Dr. Laban, before the FIFA World Cup on his Facebook page. Saptarishis Astrology requested him to expand on his analysis for the benefit of the readers. We would like to thank Dr. Laban, who has graciously relived the moments of the World Cup with the readers and provided his teachings.
I am watching the world cup on TV. Argentina is beating Holland and something tells me to do a horary and ask if Argentina will be the champ this year. I write the time down and a minute later Holland scores and ties the game at 2-2. The amazing match ends with Argentina winning by penalty kicks and qualifying to the semi-finals. As a rule, I avoid doing charts when I am biased. I lived in Argentina and some of my best friends are from there. I was also really bummed seeing Brazil loose, but watching grandmaster Messi, really lit up my afternoon. Here is the election:

Guido Bonatti was a 13th century Italian astrologer. He describes a conflict, where two armies or opposing sides encountered each other on a field of battle and fought it out. In this style of fight, we are dealing with the 1st and 7th house rulers. Soccer is exactly a battle fought by two armies (teams). A bunch of strong men (Mars) chasing the ball (Venus) to place it in the net (Neptune, Pisces – exaltation of Venus). When a team scores, the stadium is exalted!
As I ask the question, Argentina (the team, others) is represented by the 7th house of Sagittarius and ruled by Jupiter. Conversely, their opponents are signified by the first house of Gemini and ruled by Mercury. Inferior planets (Su, Mo, Me, Ve, Ma) are always weaker than superior planets (Ju, Sa) in matters of conflicts. Rulerships and exaltation improve the planet and allow it to accomplish its promise, whereas detriment or fall diminishes the planet’s ability to perform. By simply examining the essential dignities of Ju and Me we see that Ju is much stronger in own house (+7 vs -5).

If we flip the chart 180o, the Sun (ruler of tenth) is in Sagittarius which is the ascendant (1st H of Argentina). Bonatti says that in this case the King (or persons in power) favor you. This may indicate that the referee will favor the South American team but, in my opinion the tenth house represents victory and the cup itself. The World Cup trophy is made up of 30,875 carats of 18 karat (75 per cent) gold (Sun) with bands of malachite (Venus) around the base. Both Su and Ve are going to Argentina (Sg). Sun in a great friend’s house in the west also granting victory. Jupiter is in the 29th degree of Pisces is entering Aries where it will exalt the Sun (Cup). The Cup, when it arrives in Buenos Aires will cause a party of the century, the greatest exaltation of the nation.
The third decisive factor is that Me is also in the 7th house, indicating that opponents will be defeated and conquered. Mercury goes to the house of the enemy (7th from its rulership), and even though in Capricorn (friends sign) it has little dignity.
Bonatti explains: …”if the lord of the first is in the seventh, which is the greatest debility for it and the greatest fortitude for the enemy, it signifies that the enemy conquers the querent.”
Ju squares Me indicates animosity and strife between the teams but Jupiter prevailing: …”if the lord of the first (Ju, inverted chart) aspects the lord of the seventh, he (the querent) will conquer.”
Me is also joined by combust Ve, the ruler of the 12th H (loss).
“If Mars is retrograde at that time, they will be unstable fighters, and will not persevere well in war”…
Mars is in the first house, but as it is retrograde, it is greatly weakened and of little help to the opposing teams. It may indicate foul language (Ge) on the field and injuries as well as a strong Moon in the 2nd house.
Bonatti tells us that the weaker the Moon is in a war chart, the longer and more difficult the battle will be. (No penalties or game extensions, but we will see). It rules the 8th house (injuries or physical problems) for Argentina (Ju) but as it that exalts Jupiter, wounds should be mitigated.
Saturn in an angle signifies “the fortitude and atrocity of the war.” Being in the fourth house, it will “pronounce the strength, cruelty and prolixity of war.” Both teams will give their best to win.
Saturn, ruling the 2nd house of Argentina (reserves and past record) also signifies the resources of the team. In my opinion, strong Saturn in the 4th (battlefield) indicated the powerful Argentinian resource – the powerful torcida that cheers their team and sings the entire game. It also indicates that the opposing team´s coach is powerful.
1.) Robert Zoller’s translation of Tractatus Sextus of Guido Bonatti’s Liber Astronomiae which focuses on this subject of Battles, Conflicts and Besiegement of Castles.
2.) Charts of Conflict and Battles Bernadette Brady.
Christian Astrology, William Lilly, 1647.