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Bhrigu Nandi Nadi
Nadi system of astrology is in itself a wholesome system, the base of all the systems of astrology remains the same as in the nature of planets, enmity and friendships, karaktatwas of planets and their inherent behavior. The elements unique to Nadi astrology is the combinations made by the planets and its special planet progression method, the planetary combinations and the trinal consideration is strongly advocated under Nadi astrology and the progression method is the counterpart of Vimshottari dasha as used in Parashari system of astrology.
Nonetheless, both systems when used correctly give the same results and it should be understood that no system of astrology is a standalone system as all have come from one singular point- Vedic Astrology.
We have extensively worked with Sri Bhrigu Nadi and Sri Nandikeshwar Nadi and in this article series we aim at sharing practical applications of Nadi astrology. Sharing our extensive research with Jyotish enthusiasts so that this knowledge spreads far and wide and gets its due recognition.
This article taps the functionality of Venus, the karaktatwa considered is Stree karaka/wife and decoding profession of wife from spouses’/husband’s horoscope.
Chart 1

Points of Reference
- Venus – Stree Karaka/ Wife
- 10th from Venus – The house and planets occupying the house will give an indication of wife’s professional area.
- Trinal Planets- The planets in trine to Venus will add value to the area of work.
- 11th from Venus- The house will indicate the incoming finances
Analysis: In Chart no.1, Venus is in Leo and in conjunction with Moon. Thus, the natural planetary mix formed with the baseline placement is Venus + Moon + Sun (sign lord in which Venus and Moon are placed) + Mars (as it is in conjunction with Sun).
The trinal position from Venus, Sagittarius and Aries are vacant.
In order to ascertain the profession, the starting point will be to analyze the elements associated and interacting with Venus and then analyze the connection of the 10th position from Venus.
In this horoscope, the 10th position from Venus is in Tauras which is occupied by Rahu. Further extension of the analysis can be done by considering the trinal placement from Tauras.
11th from Venus is Gemini occupied by Sun and Mars
The profession of the native’s wife will have the following elements-
- The planets which are interacting with Venus are Moon, Sun, Mars and Rahu, and the signs under consideration are Leo, Gemini and Tauras
- Sun typically denotes Government or higher authorities and its placement in Gemini also adds the element of communication/paperwork/drawing/writing and new ventures (for which Mars will extend the technical element and courage).
- The conjunction of Venus and Moon denotes specialized creative area. This conjunction is in Leo which has the connection with the natural 5th house of the naisargik chart and among host of other significations it denotes creative talents.
- Rahu in Tauras will respond like the sign lords Venus and will add its own element of innovation, foreign, high-end tools/technology, photography, blueprints and Tauras will typically represent home/housing/and wealth.
- Combining the above elements- Venus + Moon + Sun + Mars + Rahu, the native’s wife is an Architect.
- The 11th from Venus will denote the incoming gains of wife – Sun and Mars in the 11th from Venus confirms the incoming gains from her profession.
Food for thought: Trinal Lord Jupiter is in Scorpio, connected to Mars (another trinal lord) and both these lords are connected to Sun (lagna lord).
Chart 2

Points of Reference
- Venus – Stree Karaka/ Wife
- 10th from Venus – The house and planets occupying the house will give an indication of wife’s professional area.
- Trinal Planets- The planets in trine to Venus will add value to the area of work.
- 11th from Venus- The house will indicate the incoming finances
Analysis: In chart no.2, Venus is in its own sign Libra and is in conjunction with Rahu. Thus, the planetary mix formed with the baseline placement of Venus is Venus+ Rahu.
The trinal position from Venus, Gemini and Aquarius are vacant. Although, there is Ketu in the 7th position from Venus and Rahu. Ketu in Aries is a very comfortable position for the planet.
In order to ascertain the profession, the starting point will be to analyze the elements associated and interacting with Venus and then analyze the connection of the 10th position from Venus.
In this horoscope, the 10th position from Venus is in Cancer which is occupied by Moon and Saturn. Further extension of the analysis can be done by considering the trinal placement from Cancer.
11th from Venus is Leo which is vacant, its lord Sun is in Sagittarius and in conjunction with Mercury.
The profession of the native’s wife will have the following elements-
- Venus and Rahu in Libra will represent a well-known business organization/ luxurious articles/fancy presentation/creativity.
- Moon in own house will also represent creativity/mental work/trade/changes; Saturn in broad term will represent masses/hard work and in Cancer will be causative planet for change.
- The 11th from Venus is Leo, its lord Sun is in the 7th house of business and in conjunction with karaka for business Mercury.
- Combining the above elements- Venus + Rahu + Moon + Saturn, the native’s wife is Trade Marketing and Retail head in an organization. Saturn has caused her to change a number of organizations.
Food for thought: Trinal lord Saturn is placed 10th to Venus; Trinal Lord Mercury is in the 7th house.
Chart 3

Points of Reference
- Venus – Stree Karaka/Wife
- 10th from Venus – The house and planets occupying the house will give an indication of wife’s professional area.
- Trinal Planets- The planets in trine to Venus will add value to the area of work.
- 11th from Venus- The house will indicate the incoming finances
Analysis: In chart no. 3, Venus is in its own sign Tauras.
The trinal position from Venus, Virgo and Capricorn are vacant.
In order to ascertain the profession, the starting point will be to analyze the elements associated and interacting with Venus and then analyze the connection of the 10th position from Venus.
In this horoscope, the 10th position from Venus is in Aquarius which is occupied by Saturn itself. Further extension of the analysis can be done by considering the trinal placement from Aquarius.
11th from Venus is in Pisces which is occupied by Sun, Moon and Mars and the sign lord Jupiter is in Aries.
The profession of the native’s wife will have the following elements-
- Venus in Tauras will represent family/wealth/administration/childhood education/speech. Venus has the status of a Guru.
- Saturn is in its mooltrikon sign representing masses/innovative abilities.
- The Pisces sign which represents deep knowledge/meditation/hospitals and much more; Sun represents authority, Moon represents Mother and creativity and Mars the technical knowhow.
- Sign exchange between Mars and Jupiter- places Jupiter in Pisces itself.
- Combining the above elements- Venus + Saturn, the native’s wife started her career as Mother Teacher which is highly specialized area of the education system as the Mother Teacher educates children who are under 5 years of age. The native later rose to the level of Head Mistress in an Arya Samaj school. Her specialization subject was Social Science. She worked in the same school.
Food for thought: Trinal lord Mercury (Virgo) is in Aries; trinal lord Saturn is placed 10th from Venus.
Chart 4

Points of Reference
- Venus – Stree Karaka/Wife
- 10th from Venus – The house and planets occupying the house will give an indication of wife’s professional area.
- Trinal Planets- The planets in trine to Venus will add value to the area of work.
- 11th from Venus- The house will indicate the incoming finances
Analysis– In chart no. 4, Venus is in Capricorn sign and is in conjunction with Mercury. Venus due to its placement is connected with Saturn; therefore the baseline placement is Venus+ Mercury+ Saturn.
The trinal position from Venus, Tauras is owned by Venus itself and Virgo which is owned by Mercury is conjunct with Venus, it is also occupied with Ketu, therefore the planetary combination Venus+ Mercury+ Ketu+ Saturn.
In order to ascertain the profession, the starting point will be to analyse the elements associated and interacting with Venus and then analyse the connection of the 10th position from Venus.
In this horoscope, the 10th position from Venus is in Libra which is Venus itself. Further extension of the analysis can be done by considering the trinal placement from Libra.
11th position from Venus is Scorpio, the sign is vacant and its lord Mars is in Pisces and in conjunction with Saturn and Rahu.
The profession of the native’s wife will have the following elements-
- Venus and Mercury represent high intelligence and education and its connection with Saturn, Mars and Rahu in Pisces indicate hospitals/ailments that are chronic or terminal in nature. Jeeva karaka sign afflicted by three malefics.
- The presence of Ketu in trine to Venus in Virgo will add the element of hidden/problem solving/calculations as Ketu will behave like Mercury
- The 10th position from Venus is the of Libra, indicating involvement of business organization which work for the masses (Venus in Capricorn)
- Combining the above elements– Venus + Mercury+ Ketu+ Saturn (+ Mars+ Rahu), the native’s wife is Associate Director- Clinical Data Management. This profile involves research and development (clinical trials) of medicine before the medicine is approved for sale in the market. She is handling Oncology (Cancer), Diabetes, Alzheimer’s projects.
Food for thought: Venus is ruling one trine and Mercury is ruling the other trine.
Chart 5

Points of Reference
- Venus – Stree Karaka/Wife
- 10th from Venus – The house and planets occupying the house will give an indication of wife’s professional area.
- Trinal Planets- The planets in trine to Venus will add value to the area of work.
- 11th from Venus- The house will indicate the incoming finances.
Analysis– In chart no. 5, Venus is in Aquarius, which naturally connects it with Saturn.
The trinal position from Venus, Gemini is occupied by Rahu and Libra is occupied by Jupiter. Therefore, the baseline planetary mix is Venus+ Rahu+ Jupiter.
In order to ascertain the profession, the starting point will be to analyze the elements associated and interacting with Venus and then analyze the connection of the 10th position from Venus.
In this horoscope, the 10th position from Venus is in Scorpio which is vacant, its lord Mars is in Virgo. Further extension of the analysis can be done by considering the trinal placement from Scorpio.
11th position from Venus is Sagittarius; the sign is occupied by Ketu.
The profession of the native’s wife will have the following elements-
- Venus is in Aquarius indicating towards specialization, Rahu is in Gemini which indicates towards communication/speech/reading/writing and Jupiter in Libra indicates towards teaching/education/commercial setups.
- Mars in Virgo indicates towards problem solving, Ketu in Sagittarius will respond like Jupiter and will support Jupetarian traits.
- Combining the above elements- Venus + Rahu+ Jupiter, the native’s wife is a Hindi Teacher. The conjunction of Mars and Saturn has given difficulties in securing job to the native’s wife.
Food for thought: One trine is rules by Venus (occupied by Jupiter) and the other trine is ruled by Mercury (occupied by Rahu).
Chart 6

Points of Reference
- Venus – Stree Karaka/Wife
- 10th from Venus – The house and planets occupying the house will give an indication of wife’s professional area.
- Trinal Planets- The planets in trine to Venus will add value to the area of work.
- 11th from Venus- The house will indicate the incoming finances.
Analysis- In chart no. 6, Venus is in Sagittarius and in conjunction with Jupiter.
The trinal position from Venus, Aries and Leo are vacant. Therefore, the baseline planetary mix is Venus+ Jupiter.
In order to ascertain the profession, the starting point will be to analyze the elements associated and interacting with Venus and then analyze the connection of the 10th position from Venus.
In this horoscope, the 10th position from Venus is in Virgo which is vacant, its lord Mercury is in Scorpio and conjunct with Ketu. Further extension of the analysis can be done by considering the trinal placement from Virgo.
11th position from Venus is Libra which is occupied by Sun and Saturn.
The profession of the native’s wife will have the following elements-
- Venus is Sagittarius along with sign lord Jupiter indicates high knowledge/ respectable profession/teaching.
- Mercury in Scorpio along with Ketu indicates technical/research specialization (Mars in exaltation).
- Sun in Libra and in conjunction with Saturn indicates problem in incoming gains.
- Combining the above elements- Venus + Jupiter + Mercury + Ketu, the native’s wife is M.Tech (Bio- technology; Specialization in Agricultural land). She did not work in any formal company as she was married immediately after her Master’s program, she taught home-tuitions (Science and Math’s) and in the last couple of years has ventured into Astrology. Income has never been constant.
Food for thought: Trinal Lord Mars is connected to 10th lord Mercury; trinal Lord Sun is placed 11th from Venus.
Chart 7

Points of Reference
- Venus – Stree Karaka/Wife
- 10th from Venus – The house and planets occupying the house will give an indication of wife’s professional area.
- Trinal Planets- The planets in trine to Venus will add value to the area of work.
- 11th from Venus- The house will indicate the incoming finances.
Analysis- In chart no. 7, Venus is in Capricorn.
The trinal position from Venus, Tauras is occupied by Mars and Virgo is vacant. Therefore, the baseline planetary mix is Venus+ Mars.
In order to ascertain the profession, the starting point will be to analyze the elements associated and interacting with Venus and then analyze the connection of the 10th position from Venus.
In this horoscope, the 10th position from Venus is in Libra. Further extension of the analysis can be done by considering the trinal placement from Libra.
11th position from Venus is Scorpio which is vacant and its lord Mars is in trine to Venus.
The profession of the native’s wife will have the following elements-
- Venus also the lord of the 10th placement from Venus and is connected to karma karaka Saturn, which is in close conjunction with Ketu (who has the power to bring break). Venus in Capricorn indicates towards specialization/commercial/finance
- The 11th position from Venus is controlled by Mars, which is connected to Venus through Tauras sign.
- Combining the above elements- Venus+ Mars, the native’s wife did her MBA, was married immediately after she completed her studies. She has never worked in any professional environment. She is heavily into spirituality (associated with ISKON), she gives readings of Vedic scriptures. She is dependent on her husband (Mars) for finances.
Food for thought: One trinal lord is Venus itself (Tauras) and the other trine is ruled by Mercury (Virgo) – close conjunction with Sun.
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