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We are honored to introduce age-old predictive techniques handed down from Jyotish masters’/teachers’ and the same have been tested and verified over the years. The purpose of this section is to empower learners of Jyotish to broaden their thought process and polish their predictive skills. It has always been our endeavor to impart authentic Jyotish knowledge and assist in making the best astrologers who have sound knowledge and are holistic beings.
Technique 1
Cross-position of planets in Rasi and Navamsa will bring important events in life.
The above technique states that any planet’s birth chart and navamsa position is of paramount importance and can bring in important life events when the planet is transiting over one of the above rashi (rashi occupied in the birth chart or in the navamsa). The same principle is applicable in the trinal rashis of the planet, this is the natural extension of the technique. Therefore, the technique considers a planet’s birth chart and navamsa chart position (cross position) for delineating events occurring during the planet’s transit in the stated rashis.
For Instance:
If we want to analyze Jupiter’s impact, then the sign occupied by Jupiter in the birth chart and the navamsa will be under consideration and the trinal rashis.
Let’s assume that in the birth chart, Jupiter is in Aries and in the navamsa it is in Cancer. The technique states that whenever Jupiter transits through Aries then potential events can be decoded by analyzing Aries in the navamsa chart and whenever Jupiter transits through Cancer then potential events can be decoded by analyzing Cancer sign in the birth chart. The extension of the technique is to consider the trinal rashis of the signs under consideration.
The slow-moving planets tend to give more prominent life events as compared to fast moving planets.
Exception To The Rule
It should be kept in mind that if for instance, a planet is occupying Karkataka (Cancer) rashi in which there is no Mesh (Aries) navamsa. Then in such cases the technique will not be applicable, the best that can be understood in such charts is through planet’s transit in rashi occupied in the birth chart and its trinal rashis.
Chart 1: Whitney Houston, female
Birth details: 9-Aug-1963; 20:55:00 Hrs (4.00 West of GMT); Newark Heights, New Jersey, USA, 74W15’30’’, 40N44’03”

The above horoscope is of a well-known American singer and Hollywood celebrity.
In the above horoscope, movement of Saturn has been considered for validation of the cross-position technique.
Placement Specifics:
In the birth chart, Saturn is occupying Capricorn sign
In the Navamsa chart, Saturn is occupying Leo.
Transit Specifics:
- Saturn transited through Leo (cross-reference point-Rashi/D1 chart) in September 1977 – November 1979.
- Saturn transited through Capricorn (cross-reference point-Navamsa/D9 chart) in March 1990 – March 1993.
Events during Saturn transit in Leo (cross-reference point-Rashi/D1 chart)
During this Saturn transit, Whitney Huston started her singing career as a back-up singer. Revisiting the technique- checking the sign occupied in the navamsa chart in the natal chart and vice-versa during natural transit of the planet.
Natal Saturn is occupying its own sign- Capricorn and occupying the 12th house of the birth chart. Saturn from its position is aspecting the 2nd house of speech/ singing, which is occupied by Moon and retrograde Jupiter, creating a Gaj Kesari yoga and both these planets are in Revathi nakshatra whose representative symbol is Drums, thus giving a clear indication of native’s association with singing and music. Furthermore, Revathi nakshatra is ruled by Mercury, who is the prime planet for speech/voice.
When Saturn transited in Leo sign (7th house of the birth chart), it connected with natal Mercury and consequently activated the Mercurian qualities and gave a kick start to her singing career in early childhood.
Events during Saturn transit in Capricorn (cross-reference point-D9 chart)
During this transit, the native got married and was blessed with progeny in 1993.
Analysis: In the navamsa chart, Saturn is occupying the 7th house of relationships and marriage. The lord of the 7th house Sun is placed in the lagna of the navamsa chart and is in conjunction with Moon and retrograde Jupiter (the prime karaka for spouse and progeny). Furthermore, Moon and Jupiter are again forming a Gaj-Kesari yoga in the navamsa chart, thus blessing the native with marital relationship and progeny.
Concluding Analysis: The technique shows verifiable results by cross positioning Saturn’s transit in natal and navamsa chart, it shows the materialization of major life events.
Chart 2: Alfred Hitchcock, male
Birth details: 13-Aug-1899; 03:15:00 Hrs (0.00 East of GMT); Leytonstone (London), United Kingdom, 0E01’, 51N34’

The above horoscope is of a very well-known Hollywood director and producer of British origin – Sir Alfred Hitchcock, he was nicknamed “Master of Suspense”.
In the above horoscope, the movement of Jupiter has been considered for validation of the cross-position technique.
Placement Specifics:
- In the birth chart, Jupiter is occupying Libra sign
- In the Navamsa chart, Jupiter is occupying Capricorn.
Transit Specifics:
- Jupiter transited through Capricorn (cross-reference point-Rashi/D1 chart) in December 1925 – December 1926.
- Jupiter transited through Libra (cross-reference point-Navamsa/D9 chart) in September 1922 – October 1923.
Events during Jupiter transit in Capricorn (cross-reference point-Rashi/D1 chart)
During this Jupiter transit, Alfred Hitchcock produced three large screen films, but they failed commercially and as such did not bring in financial gains, but he earned a lot of recognition, respect and fame for his work in the film industry. He was recognized for his talent.
Natal Jupiter is occupying the 4th house and is in conjunction with the Moon, creating Gaj Kesari Yoga. The Arudha lagna is also in the same house. When Jupiter transited through the 7th house of Capricorn it bestowed name and fame to the native. Furthermore, during this transit Jupiter aspected the first house of Cancer which houses Venus (4th lord) and Sun, this also powered up the ascendant. Moon and Jupiter are aspecting the 10th house of career/profession also, thus activating the 10th house as well. Here we see simultaneous activation of the lagna and the 10th house.
The element which caused obstacles in the initial phase of his career is that Venus is also the Badhkesh (obstacle giving planet) for this horoscope (Cancer ascendant) another important consideration is that the 10th house is also the Ghati lagna. These two elements caused obstacles in the initial phase of his career, primarily his financial success encountered the obstacle course.
Events during Jupiter transit in Libra (cross-reference point-D9 chart)
During this transit, the native expanded his area of work. He started his career as Director, in this transit he ventured into production and screenwriting as well.
Analysis: In the navamsa chart, Jupiter is occupying the 4th house of Capricorn and is in conjunction with the Moon, creating Gaj Kesari Yoga. The lord of the 4th house Saturn is the Yogakaraka and is occupying the 5th house of creative talents, the activation of this house led the native to experiment with screenwriting, production and art direction.
Concluding Analysis: The technique shows verifiable results by cross positioning Jupiter’s transit in natal and navamsa chart, it shows the materialization of major life events.
Chart 3: Juliana Louise, female
Birth details: 30-April-1909; 06:50:00 Hrs (1.00 East of GMT); Hague, Netherlands, 4E18’, 52N06’

The above horoscope is of the late Queen of Netherlands, Juliana Lousie (1948-1980).
In the above horoscope, movement of Jupiter has been considered for validation of the cross-position technique.
Placement specifics:
- In the birth chart, Jupiter is occupying Leo sign
- In the Navamsa chart, Jupiter is occupying Cancer.
Transit Specifics:
- Jupiter transited through Cancer (cross-reference point-Rashi/D1 chart) in July 1931 – July 1932.
- Jupiter transited through Leo (cross-reference point-Navamsa/D9 chart) in July 1932 – July 1933.
Events during Jupiter transit in Cancer (cross-reference point-Rashi/D1 chart)
During this Jupiter transit, the Queen formed the National Crisis Committee to help people who are suffering financially from the Economic Depression of 1930. This event gave her recognition as a public activist, and she also started participating in social service programs at an early age.
Natal Jupiter is occupying the 4th house of homeland and is in conjunction with the Moon, creating Gaj Kesari Yoga in Leo sign which typically represents power. The lord of Cancer, Moon is sitting with Jupiter itself and both planets are aspecting the 10th house, thus powering up the 10th house. Jupiter being the 11th lord sitting in 4th house and aspecting the 10th house triggered a lot of new connections and networks.
Events during Jupiter transit in Leo (cross-reference point-D9 chart)
During this period, the queen’s father passed away. She was chosen for the presidency of the Netherlands Red Cross Organization on account of her humanitarian work. Although she officially became the President of Red Cross in 1934 but the process started in 1933
In the navamsa chart, Jupiter is exalted in the ascendant (Cancer), the sign lord Moon is in the 3rd house of Virgo and is in conjunction with Sun and Venus. The Leo sign is occupied by Rahu and the sign lord Sun is in Virgo, here Rahu is connected to, and afflicting Sun and connection of Virgo sign (ailments) led to illness and passing away of her father.
The connection of Sun and Moon shows determination and strong focus and the 3rd house represents the courage to initiate new activities, which the native directed towards the wellbeing and betterment of people. The connection of the Yoga Karaka and 10th lord- Mars with exalted Jupiter gave her the power to lead and serve people.
Concluding Analysis: The technique shows verifiable results by cross positioning Jupiter’s transit in natal and navamsa chart, it shows the materialization of major life events.
Chart 4: Helen Hunt, female
Birth details: 15-June-1963; 15:55:00 Hrs (8.00 West of GMT); Culver City, California, USA, 118W23’44”, 34N01’16”

The above horoscope is of a very well-known American actress, director, screenwriter and television artist – Helen Hunt
In the above horoscope, the movement of Jupiter has been considered for validation of the cross-position technique.
Placement Specifics:
- In the birth chart, Jupiter is occupying Pisces sign
- In the Navamsa chart, Jupiter is occupying Capricorn.
Transit Specifics:
- Jupiter transited through Capricorn (cross-reference point-Rashi/D1 chart) in December 1996 – December 1997.
- Jupiter transited through Pisces (cross-reference point-Navamsa/D9 chart) in May 1998 – May 1999.
Events during Jupiter transit in Capricorn (cross-reference point-Rashi/D1 chart)
During this Jupiter transit, she won the prestigious Emmy Award for her performance in the television series “Mad About You” and was acknowledged as the most successful and favorite female actress.
Natal Jupiter is occupying the 7th house of Pisces and is in conjunction with Moon, creating Gaj Kesari Yoga. Both these planets are aspecting the lagna, thus activating the lagna. The Capricorn sign falls in the 5th house and is occupied by its own lord Saturn, Saturn from this position is aspecting natal Jupiter, the fifth house of creative talents and followers and fame was triggered by Jupiter in its transit.
Events during Jupiter transit in Pisces (cross-reference point-D9 chart)
During this period, Helen Hunt got married in 1999 with Hank Azaria.
Analysis: In the navamsa chart, Jupiter is occupying the 9th house of Capricorn and its lord Saturn is in the 5th house of Virgo, Pisces is in the 11th house of wish fulfillment and is occupied by 5th lord Mercury. The connection of the 9th house, which represents a legality of a relationship and the connection of the 5th lord with Pisces granted her marital relationship with her love interest.
Concluding Analysis: The technique shows verifiable results by cross positioning Jupiter’s transit in natal and navamsa chart, it shows the materialization of major life events.
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