Wednesday , January 22 2025
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Adverse Events Using Divisional Charts by Roberto Velicaz

After reading Mr. Rao’s book on Predicting Through Jaimini’s Chara Dasha I tried it on my own chart and those of family and friends. This allowed me to test my understanding and confirm past events which had occurred. I was surprised with the clarity and ease of the method. I found it very useful in confirming the lagna (ascendant) of a person when the time of birth was in doubt. When dealing with unreliable birth times I would use only this dasha.

While applying Chara Dasha I observed that adverse events could be predicted for certain areas of life using the divisional charts. I was interested to see when Gnathikaraka (GK) was found in the 1st house of the antardasha (sub period ruler) running or from the 6th house of the antardasha running or in the house from the antardahsa which represents that particular divisional chart. Gnathikarka (GK) represents the 6th house and its significations eg enemies, accidents, illness, disputes, legal proceedings etc.

So from the running antadasha, GK would be found in the following divisional chart houses.

D3 – 1st, 3rd (younger siblings), 6th, 11th (older siblings)

D4 – 1st, 4th (land, property), 6th

D7 – 1st, 5th (children), 6th

D9 – 1st, 6th, 7th (spouse)

D10 – 1st, 6th, 10th (career)

D12 – 1st, 4th (mother), 6th, 9th (father)

D16 – 1st, 4th (vehicles), 6th

Now I want to underline that these are only my observations and as such need further research and investigation on many horoscopes. We must always remember to use the rashi chart (natal chart) as the focus point and the Vimshotarri Dasha with the above technique.

I have used it on charts of friends and have been surprised at the results but I cannot guarantee it gives 100% results, so I leave it to the reader to research. Another point of investigation would be to look for GK in the 8th or 12th from the antardasha running in divisional charts.


First Step

a) First look at the rashi chart (D1 – natal chart) and check to see if AK – Atmakaraka is situated in the 6th, 8th or 12th house from the running antardasha. Atmakaraka (AK) represents the 1st house and its significations, the individual concerned.

b) Check next to see if GK – Gnathikaraka is situated in the 6th or 8th house from the antardasha running – rashi chart (D1 – natal chart). (Also check if GK aspects the 1st house of the antardasha).

Second Step

If any of the two conditions (a) or (b) mentioned in the first step are met we next check the divisional charts. We look at each individual divisional chart to see if Gnathikaraka (GK) is in the 1st house of the antardasha running or from the 6th house of the antardasha running or in the house from the antardahsa which represents that particular divisional chart.

Third Step

If step two is also met we can identify a particular area of life that may present difficulties to the person eg D9 Marriage, D10 Career, D12 parents etc.

Below I have given some examples using horoscopes of famous people to aid the readers understanding.

Chart 47

On June 23 1980, Sanjay Ghandi, younger brother of Rajiv died in an air accident. Capricorn/Leo was running.

Chart 48

On November 8 1960, Richard Nixon loses election to JFK. Aquarius/Virgo was running. We see in the D10 chart that GK is in the 6th house from Virgo antardasha.

Rashi chart (D1) – Antardasha Virgo is aspected by GK (Mars).

On August 12 1944, Joseph Kennedy, elder brother of JFK dies. Capricorn/Aquarius was running. We see in the D3 chart that GK is in the 6th house from Aquarius antardasha.

Rashi chart (D1) – Antardasha Aquarius has GK (Saturn) in 6th house from antardasha.

On May 13 1948, Kathleen Kennedy, younger sister of JFK dies. Pisces/Taurus was running. We see in the D3 chart that GK is in the 3rd house from Taurus antardasha.

Rashi chart (D1) – Antardasha Taurus has AK (Mercury) in12th house from antardasha.

Chart 50

On August 9 1963, Jacqueline Kennedy’s son dies. Pisces/Aries was running. We see in the D7 chart that GK is in the 1st house Aries.

Rashi chart (D1) – Antardasha Aries has GK (Moon).

Chart 51

On December 16 1998, President Clinton is impeached by the House of Representatives. Aries/Leo was running. We see in the D10 chart that GK is in the 1st house Leo.
Rashi chart (D1) – Antardasha Leo has GK (Sun).

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