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Two articles were published in previous issues of Saptarishis Astrology Volume-3 and Volume-4 on this topic. This is the third article in continuation of the same theory of Gripping of Planets by the Nodes. We may summarize the rules given in the previous articles as under:-
- A Planet in conjunction, opposition or square aspect to Node, will be gripped when the degree of a Node is more than the degree of a planet within five degree difference.
- A gripped planet will give adverse result for the matter of the houses owned by and occupied by the gripped planet.
- A native experiences adverse result whenever transiting Node makes an aspect of conjunction, opposition or square with the gripped planet.
- The adverse effect of the gripped planet by the Node will be over after the progressed Node crosses the degree of a gripped planet at birth. Here the progression of a Node is only taken into consideration keeping the degree of a gripped planet fixed at birth.
In the previous articles, it is explained that a planet is gripped by the Node, if degree of a planet is less than degree of a Node. From this theory, it is clear that a planet is gripped when degree of a planet is behind the degree of a Node. On the basis of this theory, the rule of gripping of a planet by the Node is formed.
Vaghela Bhai as he is fondly called was born in 1941 has been studying astrology since more than 30 years with an avid rationalist approach. He gives more importance to Progressed theory with transit of planets & also Navamsa. A constant companion to Shri Babubhai Yodh he practices astrology with a zeal of leaving something for the younger generation. He was employed as a Mechanical Engineer with the State Government in Water Supply Dept & now his retired life is devoted to spreading astrology in Ahmadabad. He has been a great supporter of Saptarishis Astrology right from its inception days.
Now in this article, it will be explained that a planet may also be gripped by a Node even though the degree of a planet is more than degree of a Node. This happens in case of a retrograde planet only. This can be explained by applying theory of progression which is already clarified in previous article.
The theory of progression is applied differently in case of a planet coming under gripping effect when it is in retrograde motion and the degree of a planet is more than degree of a Node. In such type of a case, the progression of a retrograde planet is taken into consideration, keeping the degree of a Node fixed at birth.
Therefore, a retrograde planet, having more degree than degree of a Node and due to its retrograde motion, it moves closer to Node and thereafter it crosses the degree of a Node at birth during progression. During this movement, it is seen that a retrograde planet at birth is not gripped, but during progression it moves towards the Node until it crosses the degree of a Node at birth. When it crosses the degree of a Node at birth, at that time the degree of a retrograde planet becomes less than degree of a Node at birth. Therefore, the degree of a retrograde planet during progression comes behind the degree of a Node at birth and at that time, the retrograde planet comes under the influence of a gripped planet.
If the degree of a planet is more than the degree of a Node and that planet is direct in motion, it will never be gripped. But when degree of a planet is more than the degree of a Node and that planet is retrograde in motion, it will be gripped by a Node after some years.
To understand the effect of this type of gripping of a retrograde planet by a Node, the following rules are given:-
- A retrograde planet in conjunction, opposition or square aspect to a Node, will be gripped when degree of a planet is more than degree of a Node.
- During the period when a retrograde planet during progression comes closer to degree of a Node at birth, a native experiences the lessening of a beneficial effect of that planet and more and more negative effect is observed as it comes closer to a Node.
- Finally when a retrograde planet during progression crosses degree of a Node, then the planet is really gripped and much more adverse effect is experienced by a native.
- When a retrograde planet during progression gets direct in motion after gripping and during progression in its direct motion, it crosses degree of a Node at birth, then that particular planet will be free from gripping effect of a Node. Thereafter the planet will give favourable results
- A planet when gripped by a Node, will give adverse result for the matter of
- Houses owned by gripped planet
- House occupied by gripped planet
- Karaka of a gripped planet.
Therefore, adverse result of a gripped planet when it is retrograde, is much more intensive and uncertain. It lasts for a longer period depending upon the motion of a planet and difference in degree between a planet and a Node at birth. In this position of planets, a native passes through not only adverse circumstances but also experiences unexpected events and incidents in the life.
For clarification of the above principle, the following birth charts are given:-

In the above chart, Ascendant is in Cancer. North Node and Mars are in conjunction and placed in Seventh house in Capricorn Sign. Degree of North Node is 22°-22’ and degree of Mars is 28° -29’. Mars is in retrograde motion. The degree of Mars is more than degree of North Node, but Mars is a retrograde planet therefore Mars will be gripped by North Node.
Mars is the owner of 5th & 10th house and placed in 7th house. Mars is also Karaka planet of energy, living force, enthusiasm & mental strength. Therefore Mars gives adverse result for the matter of 5th, 10th and 7th house. Native has experienced negative results for all the above matters.
5th house indicates education, luxury & comforts, love affair and children. Native experienced adverse result for these matters. Native could not study properly and did not get graduation degree. His father is a rich person, therefore native lived in a luxurious atmosphere but he misused his father’s money in unscrupulous company. Due to this type of company, native formed the habit of drinking at an early age. Native became a failure in his love affair and could not marry the girl with whom, he was in love. He got twin girls after marriage to another woman. Due to his problem of alcohol abuse, he had to stay away from children and therefore he was not able to get the love of his children.
Mars also gives adverse result of 10th house for the matter of career. Native could not get definite and independent career. His father is a leading agent of Life Insurance Company. Therefore native worked under his father and could not have his own independent activities. He does his routine work under the protection of his father and in this way, native earns money. Native has also tried as an independent agent of Life Insurance Corporation, but earning is very nominal and could not get much success. Due to habit of bad company and drinking, native, being an agent of Life Insurance Corporation, loses his credit amongst clients. He could not give proper service to client and also lost his agency of Life Insurance Corporation by his mistake.
Mars is placed in Seventh house and gives adverse result for the matter of marriage and relationship with other people. Native married in the year 1999 but it was a failure. Native could not maintain relation with his wife and she decided to give him divorce in the same year. Native could not maintain relationship in dealing with other people due to his strange behavior.
Mars is a Karaka planet of energy, living force, enthusiasm and mental strength. Native is lacking in all the above matters. Due to mental weakness, native has undue excitement and anger and therefore suffering from depression. To overcome this mental weakness and depression, native takes recourse to alcohol more and more and he becomes heavily addicted. As a result of this habit of overdrinking, complications are created in his life regarding the matter of fifth, tenth and seventh house.
In the above chart, the degree of North Node is 22°-22’ and degree of retrograde Mars is 28°-29’. Therefore, during the progression, Mars crosses the degree of North Node at birth i.e. 22° 22’on date 15-08-1971. There are 35 days upto 15th August 1971 counting from birth date 11th July 1971. Now considering 35 days equal to 35 years in the life of a native, the year will be 2006. As soon as progressed Mars crosses degree of North Node at birth, the degree of progressed Mars will be less than degree of North Node at birth. In other way, degree of progressed Mars will be behind the degree of North Node at birth. In this situation, the planet Mars is gripped. So worst effect will be experienced by the native after the year 2006.
After divorce in the year 1999, native married again in the year 2000 and he has two children who were twins in the year 2006. After the year 2006, native becomes more addicted to vice of drinking and became such an arrogant man that he began to use abusive and behave aggressively with his parents. He has no control over his habit of drinking and it became very difficult for his parents to bear his behavior. Due to this unbearable situation, his parents could not keep him with them in the house.
Therefore, he was sent to an institution where such type of addicted persons are taken care of. In the institution, this person was not allowed to go anywhere and he was placed under supervision for 24 hours. Drinking was not possible for him in the institution. After staying two months in the institution, native was expressing his feeling for going home frequently. Supervisor in the institution also thought that native has improved and therefore native was allowed to go home.
After coming home, native again started drinking as usual. He continued his bad habits and behavior with his family members as before. Because of this, he was sent back to the same institution. This has happened twice but there is no improvement found in his habit till today. At present native is in the institution, so his parents and wife always remain in tension and are in grief.
In this chart, Mars is retrograde and during progression it becomes direct in motion on 9th September 1971 at the degree 18°-26’. During progression in direct motion Mars crosses degree of North Node at birth i.e. 22° 22’ on date 4th October 1971. There are 85 days upto 4th October 1971 counting from birth date 11th July 1971. Therefore considering 85 days equal to 85 years in the life of a native, the year will be 2056. This position and movement of Mars shows that adverse effect of gripped planet Mars will remain during his whole life.
In the above chart, Ascendant is in Libra. North Node, Mars and Jupiter are in conjunction and placed in Eleventh house in Leo sign. Degree of North Node , Mars and Jupiter is 04°-25’, 05°-35’ and 09°-20’ respectively. Mars and Jupiter are in retrograde motion. The degree of Mars and Jupiter is more than degree of North Node. Therefore, due to retrograde motion, Mars and Jupiter will be gripped by North Node.
In this chart, Mars and Jupiter both the planets may be gripped. But in case of Jupiter, it gets direct in motion from 26th April 1980 at the degree of 06°-40’. Therefore Jupiter is not crossing the degree of North Node i.e. 04°-25’ during its retrograde motion. So Jupiter is not coming under influence of gripped planet. We will explain here, the effect of gripped planet mars only.

Mars is the owner of 2nd and 7th house, and placed in 11th house. Mars is also a Karaka planet of energy, living force, enthusiasm and mental strength as mentioned earlier. Therefore Mars gives the adverse result for the matter of 2nd, 7th and 11th house and for all Karaka matter of Mars. Native has experienced adverse results for all the matters mentioned above. At the time of birth, native was physically undeveloped, therefore, he was kept in Intensive Care Unit for some period after birth. During this period though he improved physically but remained mentally undeveloped. In this situation school education was not possible for him. His father was capable to educate him at home by private teacher. It took considerable time to study even preliminary education at home and he could not appear in any school examination. This education was not sufficient to be independent in earning. Therefore, native had to be dependent for his living. This particular factor was an impediment for his marriage also.
Second house indicate family and money. In the above circumstances, native could not marry. He has no independent activity and has to stay with his parent as he is also suffering from respiratory disease and physical weakness. Therefore, he could not have his own family and also no earning.
Seventh house indicates marriage and relation with other people. Native can not marry in the circumstance in which he is living. He is not developed physically. Mentally also he is handicapped. His activity is totally restricted by his physical and mental condition. Therefore there is no scope of any interaction with other people also.
11th house indicated gains, benefits & ambitions. Native has no activity. He remains at home and is taken care by his parent. Therefore, there is no gain, no benefit and no fulfillment of ambition in life.
Mars is the Karaka planet for energy, living, enthusiasm and mental strength. Native does not have any of the above quality in his life. He is suffering from meningitis, respiratory disease and not feeling physically fit.
In the above chart, the degree of North Node is 04°-25’ and degree of retrograde Mars is 05°-35’. Now, during the progression, Mars crosses the degree of North Node at birth i.e. 04°-25’ on date 20-03-1980. There are 6 days upto 20-03-1980 counting from birth date 14-03-1980. Therefore considering 6 days equal to 6 year in the life of a native, the year will be 1986.
As soon as progressed Mars during its retrograde motion crosses the degree of North Node at birth, the degree of progressed Mars will be less than degree of North Node at birth. In other way degree of progressed Mars will be behind the degree of North Node at birth. Therefore, in this situation, the planet Mars becomes gripped and comes under worst effect after the year 1986.
After 1986, at the age of 6 years, native was not in a position to attend any school. His parents did not allow him to go outside the home as native was suffering from respiratory disease and forgetful nature. He is also feeling physical weakness. He had his education at home by private teachers but that was also very slow. In such circumstances, he does not have any job or service and marriage is also not possible. Native frequently gets sick and requires careful treatment. In the year June-2008 also, native was admitted to hospital and was in unconscious condition and unable to take any food. Though, it was a very serious condition, but anyhow he recovered after a month.
In this chart, Mars is retrograde and during progression it becomes direct in motion on date 6th April 1980 at the degree 02°-18’. Now during progression in direct motion, Mars crosses degree of North Node at birth i.e. 04°-25’ on date 25th April 1980. There are 42 days upto 25th April 1980 counting from birth date of a native 14th March 1980. Therefore considering 42 days equal to 42 years, this period is considered 42 years in life of a native according to progress theory. From this, it is seen that Mars will be free from gripping effect by North Node as soon as Mars during progression in direct motion crosses degree of a North Node at birth. At present native is running 29th years, so we think that native will get all the good benefits and good effect of Mars after 42 years of his life.
In the above chart, it is also observed that Moon is gripped by South Node as per theory given in article published in issue of Saptarishis Astrology Volume-4 (Page No. 123 to 131). In birth chart, Moon and South Node are in conjunction placed in fifth house and in Aquarius sign. Degree of Moon and South Node is 00°-44’ and 04°-25’ respectively. The degree of South Node is more than degree of Moon; therefore Moon is in gripped position at birth. As per theory, Moon will be free from gripping effect by South Node as soon as South Node during progression crosses the degree of Moon at birth.
Progressed South Node has not crossed degree of Moon at birth till today and Moon is still in gripping effect. The effect of gripping Moon by South Node is observed that native has no education (5th house occupies by Moon) and also no career (10th house owned by Moon). In this case, progressed South Node crosses degree of Moon at birth, i.e. 00°-44’ on date of 22nd May 1980. There are 69 days upto 22nd May 1980 counting from birth date of a native 14th March 1980. Therefore considering 69 days equal to 69 years in life of a native, the year will be 2049. Gripping effect of Moon will continue till the year 2049 and therefore a native will experience adverse result of gripped Moon for a longer period in his life.
We have studied the gripping of planets by Node and its effect on life of a native in different ways. Still there are many situations in which gripping effect of a planet is experienced by a native when a planet is in evil aspect with Node. Intensity and period of evil effect depends on motion of a planet (fast or slow), type of motion (direct or retrograde) position of a planet (ahead or behind node) and difference in degree between planet and Node. For the interest of the reader, we may write in the same subject in future.