Krittika in Ravana Samhita by Babban Kumar Singh

Krittika in Ravana Samhita by Babban Kumar Singh

Continuation of the nakshatra series from Ravana Samhita.

Sun in Krittika

  • The Sun in Krittika receiving the drishti (aspect) of Mars indicates one whose bold and competitive nature will earn him status, wealth, and fame
  • Mercury’s drishti reveals one with a magnetic personality who is interested in music and the other fine arts.
  • When Jupiter aspects the Sun, the native will be preeminent in his family (kulsheshtra). He will be wealthy and may be employed as a public minister or a cultural attaché.
  • With the aspect of Venus on the Sun, the native will have a beautiful body and eyes that will make him very attractive to others.
  • Saturn’s aspect on the Sun indicates ailing health and poor economic conditions. The native’s personal life will suffer due to many disagreements.

First Pada

  • The Sun’s placement in the first pada with benefic aspect confers a simple life and many children, and the native will become poor.
  • He may have the desire to learn astrology and related subjects, though an elementary knowledge of these disciplines will not be helpful to him.
  • He has weak eyesight and a large appetite for food. He may experience inflammatory conditions in his body.

Second Pada

  • The Sun’s placement in the second pada of Krittika ensures a long life and happiness from children.
  • He will have sharp intelligence and obtain much wealth in the latter half of his life.
  • He will be a disciple of saints and religious personalities.
  • He may be interested in music and drama.
  • If the native receives favourable support and guidance in childhood, he may work in a health related field, related perhaps to dermatology, skin care, or medical sales.

Third Pada

  • The native lives under meagre conditions and is afflicted by unnatural diseases when the Sun is positioned in the third pada of Krittika.
  • Balarishta (infant death) is possible.
  • The native may earn his livelihood as a barber, hairdresser, or other business.
  • If female, the native may be engaged in illegal activities or suffer from sexually transmitted diseases.

Fourth Pada

  • The Sun situated in the fourth pada indicates a native who lives under oppressed conditions, possibly working as a servant.
  • He will be unreliable and ruthless, perhaps even a murderer, and will experience family troubles.
  • The native will waste his money on addictive or other unwholesome activities, and may be afflicted with water-born diseases.

Moon in Krittika

  • The Moon in Krittika aspected by the Sun confers affluence as well as success in an agricultural or real estate business.
  • With Mars’ aspect on the Moon, the native will have a magnetic attraction to the opposite sex. He will also enjoy extended family relationships.
  • Mercury’s drishti reveals one who is intelligent and kind to others.
  • Venus’ aspect promises fine clothing, a good home and a number of servants, though the native may be somehow deprived of happiness from the maternal side of his family. For instance, he may be separated from his mother at a young age.
  • Jupiter’s aspect with Saturn indicates that the native’s mother may be ill or short-lived. Without the Saturn influence, the native will enjoy all types of happiness and material wealth.

First Pada

  • When the Moon occupies the first pada of Krittika, the native will be well-known for his involvement in Black Magic (Mantra-Tantra Shakti and Vashikaran Tantra).
  • He may experience difficulties in relationships with the opposite sex.

Second Pada

  • The Moon placed in the second pada indicates one who enjoys political power. He has a bright and attractive personality and associates with intellectuals and scholars.
  • He may suffer from Pitta-related disease.
  • He may be interested in academic subjects like chemistry, physics, and geography. [Sunil…We only capitalize such subject names like physics, art, and chemistry when they identify a specific course, like Chemistry 101, Art 301, or Physics IV. Otherwise, only capitalize subject names that would be capitalized anyway (because they are proper nouns or adjectives), such as English, Latin, or American. Words such as chemistry, art, social studies, physical education, are not usually capitalized when written in sentences. You might want to add this to our Writers’ Guidelines under the “Capitalization” Section].
  • Saturn’s aspect may deprive the native of parental happiness.

Third Pada

  • With the Moon placed in the third pada of Krittika, one will be shrewd, but poor. He will have a chubby body [are you sure this is not supposed to be “tall” instead of “chubby”?].
  • In a female horoscope, the drishti of Rahu or Mars reflects the loss of a husband in the 35th

Fourth Pada

  • The Moon placed in the fourth pada of Krittika indicates one with a medium- built physique. His eyesight may be weak.
  • He is an erudite, worldly, and wealthy businessman, blessed in many matters.
  • He will not enjoy a happily married life, and may not be compatible with his father or father-in-law.
  • He will be generally cooperative by nature and will work hard to gain respect from others. He will be an unmatched, loyal friend with men and women alike.
  • The native will be knowledgeable in a variety of religious ceremonies, astrology, and Tantra shastra.

Mars in Krittika

  • The Moon’s aspect on Mars reveals a hostile maternal relationship. The native will have several marriages. His wife will be greedy and antagonistic. [wife or wives???]
  • Mercury’s or the Sun’s aspect confers a reserved nature and few enemies.
  • He is fond of the fine arts, sweet-spoken, educated, sober, attractive, and renowned.
  • Jupiter’s aspect suggests one who becomes an artist and takes care of his family members. He will be wealthy after age 30.
  • With Venus’ drishti, the native will be an expert in handling weapons or explosives.
  • If Saturn aspects Mars, the native will be wealthy, fit and have many servants. He will be a respected leader of society.

First Pada

  • When Mars is placed in the first pada of Krittika, the native is imposing and commanding.
  • He will be a strong competitor and combatant with leadership potential in the armed forces or law enforcement. If Mars is between 28-30 degrees, he may achieve the highest status.
  • If Mars or the Sun transits in Taurus while the native is running a dasa or sub-dasa of Mars or the Sun, the native may become famous.
  • Saturn’s aspect may reflect one of poor character who associates with the same.
  • The native’s health will suffer due to substance abuse (alcohol or drugs). He may earn money through illicit drug sales.
  • In childhood, the native may be infected by meningitis and suffer a high fever, or he may receive a head trauma.

Publisher’s Notes: As per the above text, Mars in the first pada of Krittika (in Aries) suggests the possibility of contracting meningitis. The following chart belongs to an individual who was diagnosed with meningitis in his teens. As indicated, Mars is in Aries, though in the 3rd pada of Ashwini. Nonetheless, Ravana Samhita does not associate Mars in Ashwini in the 3rd pada with any such disease.

Chart 55

Second Pada

  • Mars occupying the second pada confers injury or affliction to the mouth, eyes, or forehead.
  • The native’s mental health will be badly affected during childhood, and he will have a suspicious character. However, he may be granted favour from the government.
  • If Mars conjoins other planets, the native may experience some difficulty conceiving progeny.
  • He may earn wealth through weapons manufacturing. 

Third Pada

  • When Mars is placed in third pada, the native may receive government benefits.
  • He collects jewellery and other precious articles. He will be successful and commanding in business matters.
  • He is erudite and respectful of all religions. From a young age, he is confrontational, competitive, and highly skilled in debate.

Fourth Pada

  • When Mars resides in the fourth pada of Krittika, the native will have a flaccid physique. He may suffer from febrile conditions caused by chicken-pox and other bacterial or viral diseases.
  • He enjoys life and is a good friend. If Mars conjoins Moon, the native may earn a living through a chemical or pharmaceutical business. After his father’s demise, his business success will rise.

Mercury in Krittika

  • If Mercury is in Krittika and receives an aspect from the Sun, the native will be poor and will suffer from disease.
  • When the Moon aspects Mercury, the native will have to work very hard to become wealthy.
  • Mars aspects to Mercury will confer poor health or poverty.
  • Jupiter’s drishti ensures a high position in society. Such a native may be well- recognised for his erudition and other fine personal qualities.
  • Venus aspects to Mercury indicate an individual who appreciates and seeks the finer things in life. He may be a successful businessman and will be well- known in diverse echelons of society. He may also become a social advocate or benefactor.
  • Saturn’s aspect indicates one who is poor and abandoned by his wife and children.

First Pada

  • If Mercury resides in the first pada of Krittika, the native will have a government or business job.
  • He will live until middle age and will be praised by others.
  • He may also earn an income through acting, music and writing in addition to business.
  • When Mars or Saturn aspects Mercury, the native will be lean. He will enjoy carnal pleasure and will spend his savings.
  • If the Sun conjoins Mercury, the native may become a prominent doctor or surgeon.

Second Pada

  • Mercury’s placement in the second pada reveals one who will be happy and pleasant by nature, and will marry more than once.
  • He will have a well-developed physique, and will have a long life.
  • He will be a successful businessman, and will receive great pleasure from his children.
  • He will be renowned after the age of 40.
  • The native becomes a celebrated astrologer or Tantric master if Jupiter conjoins Mercury.

Third Pada

  • When Mercury is placed in the third pada, the native will be practical, charming, influential, and authoritative.
  • If Saturn conjoins Mercury, the native becomes a scientist or an intellectual.

Fourth Pada

  • When Mercury resides in the fourth pada of Krittika, the native achieves a prominent position in business.
  • Such a native will be truthful, dutiful, and highly respected by others.
  • He will have more sons than daughters. He will need to spend a great deal of money on his health later in life.
  • He will live until age 60 to 62.
  • Jupiter conjoined Mercury indicates one who is a specialist and a leader.

Jupiter in Krittika

  • If Jupiter is in Krittika and receives an aspect from Sun, the native will be skilled in the art of fighting and may be injured in war.
  • He will be wealthy and have numerous servants and vehicles.
  • The Moon’s aspect reveals an individual who is truthful, upright, and kind by nature. He will enjoy a warm and beneficial relationship with his parents.
  • When Mars aspects Jupiter, he will have outstanding offspring and will excel in an art field.
  • Mercury’s aspect indicates one with impressive spiritual and scholarly achievements.
  • Such natives will be personally agreeable and skilled in various fields.
  • With Venus’ aspect, the native enjoys a life of fame and wealth. Saturn’s aspect reflects a community leader who enjoys great pleasure from his wife and children.

First Pada

  • When Jupiter occupies the first pada of Krittika, the native is passionate about learning and will become a brilliant mystic, seer, and spiritual teacher.
  • The native may be a recipient of wealth from his father or his offspring.
  • He lives a luxurious and life and enjoys women and alcoholic drinks.
  • He is interested in historical literature.

Second Pada

  • When Jupiter occupies the second pada of Krittika, the native will have good health and will respect his mother. However, he will also visit prostitutes.
  • He may be famous through his religious affiliation.

Third Pada

  • Jupiter’s placement in the third pada of Krittika indicates one whose career is in higher administration or management. Such a native has an enjoyable personality and is well-liked, though he was born to be poor.
  • He will always live by ethics of society but for others he would not mind breaking those same ethics. [Sunil…Shubhakaran’s translation is different….it says “He does not observe rules for others but is strict for himself.”]

Fourth Pada

  • When Jupiter is situated in fourth pada, the native will be noble, truthful, and well-educated.
  • He receives maternal wealth and will marry at age 27.

Venus in Krittika

  • If Venus is in Krittika receiving an aspect from the Sun, the native will be lucky and popular with women. He will be wealthy and own nice vehicles and property.
  • If the Moon aspects Venus, the native will have an extreme interest in sexuality, and will experience business losses. Nonetheless, such an individual will have a reserved demeanour and will be well-loved by his family.
  • Mars’ aspect on Venus indicates one who lacks peace and prosperity in life, who earns a living through illegal means.
  • With Mercury’s aspect, the native will be agreeable, sensible, and fearless.
  • With the aspect of Jupiter, the individual will have immense wealth and treasured wife and children.
  • Saturn’s aspect confers a slender, wiry physique. The native will ruin his family’s honor, will be poor, and will live by simple means.

First Pada

  • When Venus occupies the first pada of Krittika, males will have effeminate qualities, and females will have masculine characteristics. Such natives may also be afflicted with night blindness.
  • Such a native may be employed at a higher level in the Navy. His married life may be full of misery.
  • The Sun’s drishti ensures a very early (teenage) marriage. The native will receive wealth through a legacy.
  • The Moon’s aspect in a female horoscope indicates several pregnancies, but few progeny will survive.
  • Mercury’s aspect confers a hostile relationship with one’s relatives.

Second Pada

  • Venus occupying the second pada reveals a native who earns money through water resources. [This needs clarification. Shubhakaran says “…in service of the Navy or in a job connected with the sea.” “Water resources” would more refer to a municipal or industrial type of career working with water as a natural resource.]
  • The Moon’s aspect on Venus in a female horoscope indicates poor health and unfortunate circumstances with children.

Third Pada

  • Venus’ placement in the third pada indicates a kind-hearted native who will have more than one wife.
  • A learned individual may become a teacher by profession, whereas a less-educated native may work in the fashion, apparel, or beauty industry.

Publisher’s Notes: See the subtle difference Ravana Samhita has made, if native is more educated then his profession would be connected with Venus (fashion, beauty industry) whereas if he is more educated then it will be a Jupiterean Profession (Teacher).

Chart 56

See chart above, the native is working in the TV & Film Industry which is Venus related and incidentally he is not even a graduate though has done technical education which means less educated & this is exactly as Ravana Samhita said.

Fourth Pada

  • When Venus resides in fourth pada of Krittika, the native earns a living as an actor or musician.
  • He may receive wealth through a legacy or other means.

Saturn in Krittika

  • If Saturn is in Krittika receiving an aspect from the Sun, the native will be a tactful speaker 
  • The Moon’s drishti ensures favours from higher society. He enjoys the company of respectable woman with whom he also does business.
  • Mars’ aspect on Saturn indicates a native who will be charming and loquacious.
  • Mercury’s drishti indicates one who prefers the company of women. He may also have business associations with lesser elements of society.
  • Jupiter’s drishti reveals an individual who spends a great deal of time assisting others, and is thus well-respected in the public eye.
  • Venus’ aspect reflects one whose needs are extensive. [???This sounds silly…Shubhakaran says “has most of the necessities of life and drinks more water and will be very close to the ruling class.”, which also sounds silly…please fix this as it does not seem correct.] Such a egoistic & self centered native will have close associations with higher authorities.

First Pada

  • When Saturn is situated in the first pada of Krittika, the native has little enthusiasm for work and is hostile towards his father.
  • He has struggles in childhood but his life improves later on.
  • He may have a dark complexion and a lean physique. He has the ability to perform an important job even though he has an antagonistic and impatient personality. He may have a dental or digestive illness.

Second Pada

  • Saturn’s placement in the second pada reveals one who may marry an older woman while also having multiple affairs.
  • Consequently, his marital life becomes a hell.

Third Pada

  • When Saturn occupies the third pada, the individual may be work in an agricultural profession.
  • In a female horoscope, the Sun’s aspect with Saturn confers marital difficulties; marriage may be denied, or if it does take place, the consequences will be disastrous.
  • Mercury’s drishti confers an impotent (napunsak) individual, or one who has minimum sexual capacity.

Fourth Pada

  • When Saturn occupies the fourth pada of Krittika in aspect with the Moon, the individual may have an unattractive and 
  • The native’s health may be harmed by unwholesome and deleterious living habits.
  • In a male horoscope, the Sun’s influence on Saturn indicates an unpleasant and obnoxious nature.
  • When Saturn receives the Moon’s aspect, the native may earn a fine living through the female apparel industry.

Rahu in Krittika

First Pada

  • The native may have extra-martial affairs.
  • He will have a black mole on his face.
  • He may have surplus sexual desire, and is healthy and wealthy.
  • The native is intelligent, devoted to his father, and blessed by his employer.

Second Pada

  • The native is spiritual but deprived of children and wealth.
  • He is a traveller and marries more than once.
  • He experiences hardship in foreign countries [Sunil…say “countries” instead of “land,” or say “lands” not “land.”].

Third Pada

  • The native may have a speech impediment.
  • He is capable of doing any deed – whether good or bad. [Once again I think this sounds silly, so please check it… and also, Shubhakaran says the opposite: “He is an idler. He does not do any work, good or bad.”]
  • He faces financial difficulties.

Fourth Pada

  • The native separates from his family.
  • He does not perform his duties and responsibilities, even after his marriage.
  • In the name of God, the native leaves behind his home and wealth to pursue the life of a spiritual pilgrim.
  • He wastes his inheritance and the vast wealth earned in his younger years, and becomes poor.

Ketu in Krittika

First Pada

  • The individual faces frequent personal and professional difficulties.
  • He is affected with stomach-related diseases and sexual diseases. [OK please double-check this as Shubhakaran says “Cardiac trouble” not these other illnesses.].
  • He works in a meteorological, chemical, metallurgical, or other similar technical profession. His lifespan is between 40 to 50 years.

Second Pada

  • He separately lives from his relatives.
  • In spite of poverty, he is quite fond of women and drink.
  • He suffers abuse from others.

Third Pada

  • The native is a risk-taker and takes aid from the government and [Shubhakaran says “Huge loss in speculation. He may receive some strictures from the ruling class…these are very different from what is here….strictures are constraints, not aid.] keeps company with low-class people.
  • He may have illegitimate children, suffers hatred from his family, gets co-operation and helps from others from time-to-time. [Double check this too…Shubhakaran says, “Family in turmoil due to birth of a female child born not out of him. He receives timely help from others in case of need.” This does not mean illegitimate child of his own does it?].
[Sunil: here female child is not written but it is written that the child would be of another man, which means that his wife has child of another man, apart from this no other thing is written]

Fourth Pada

  • The native very often faces obstacles in his business.
  • He frequently engages in altercations with his superiors.
  • He faces marital difficulties.
  • If he marries at later age, he enjoys luxuries and happiness in marital life.
[Double check this too…Shubhakaran say it more clearly that, “Faces lots of problems in marriage or marriage is late in life. Leads a life of luxury and comfort.”]

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