Lessons in Jaimini Astrology -10 by Iranganti Rangacharya

Lessons in Jaimini Astrology -10 by Iranganti Rangacharya

Results connected with 10th House of Karakamsa:

1) Mercury in the 10th house of Karakamsa or Mercuiry’s aspect to the 10th house of Karakamsa, gives the results of Saturn as mentioned in the aphorism

प्रसिद्ध कर्मज्जीवश्शनौ
prasiddha karmajjīvaśśanau

2) If the 10th house of Karakamsa is connected by association or aspect of a benefic planet other than Mercury, the native is firm-minded or a person chosen to settle a dispute or may be a priest.
3) If the sun is placed in the 10th of Karakamsa and is aspected by Jupiter only, the native becomes a herdsman.

Results Connected with 4th House of Karakamsa:

1) If the moon and Venus occupy or aspect the 4th house of Karakamsa, the native owns a palatial building.
2) If the 4th house of Karakamsa is occupied by an exalted planet, though unconnected with the Moon and Venus by aspect or occupation, the native owns a palatial building.
3) If the 4th house of Karakamsa is connected with the Moon and Venus, and is aspected by Saturn and Rahu, the native owns a building built of stone.

4) If Ketu and Mars instead of Saturn and Rahu aspect, the native owns a building built of brick.
5) Jupiter in the 4th house of Karakamsa gives building built of wood.
6) The Sun in the 4th house of Karakamsa gives a hut to the native. Besides the following points may be specially noted: a) A palatial building is indicated by the Moon and Venus (b) Jupiter shows self-earned building (c) Rahu’s connection shows building constructed by others. (d) The aspect of the Sun shows Government quarters. Saturn shows the building earned by service to others.

Ninth House from Karakamsa:

1) By the aspect of association of a benefic planet in the 9th house make three predictions 1) 0o – 10 o Virtuous, 2) 10 o – 20 o truthful; and 3) 20 o – 30 o devoted to preceptor.
2) By the aspect or association of a malefic, the native lacks in the above mentioned qualities.
3) If both Saturn and Rahu conjoin in the 9th house of Karakamsa, the native proves treacherous to his teacher
4) If the Sun and Jupiter occupy the 9th house of Karakamsa, the native is ungrateful to his teacher.
5) If the 9th house from Karakamsa is connected by the Shadvarga of Venus and Mars, the native becomes adulterer. If the 9th house is connected with the aspect or association of Mars and Venus, the native is a lifelong adulterer.
6) If Ketu joins or aspects the 9th house, he is not a lifelong adulterer.
7) Jupiter in the 9th house makes the native excessively fond of women.
8) If the 9th house is connected with Mars, Venus and Rahu by aspect or occupancy, the native squanders his money for his sexual debauchery. Some interpret that the native discontinues his adultery in his middle-age.

Seventh House from Karakamsa:

1) If the Moon and Jupiter conjoin in the 7th house, the native’s wife is beautiful. Some believe that the aspect of the Moon and Jupiter is more influential than occupation in this respect.
2) The aspect or occupation of Rahu in the 7th house makes the native debauch with a widow.
3) If Saturn occupies the 7th house, make three predictions 1) 0o – 10 o the native’s wife is older than the native, 2) 10 o – 20 o the native’s wife is sickly 3) 20 o – 30 o wife not inclined to sexual pleasure.
4) By the occupation of Mars, the native’s wife is deformed.
5) If the Sun occupies the 7th house of Karakamsa, the native’s wife will have a secret guilty intrigue with the men in his caste or family.
6) By the occupation of Mercury in the 7th house, the native’s wife will be well-educated and good at dance or music.
Some speak of sexual intercourse by planets connected with the 4th house of Karakamsa. By the Moon in the 4th, the native enjoys sexual union in an open space. If the 4th is Sagittarius with the Moon therein the native enjoys sexual union in an open space near watery region. The Sun in the 4th indicates the garden as the place of enjoyment. Mars indicates the place near the wall. Mercury indicates the park. Jupiter indicates the temple premises. Venus indicates the sport in water. Saturn and Rahu indicate the tavern or any place of low-born people.

Third House from Karakamsa:

1) A malefic in the 3rd house, makes the native a brave man of royalty.
2) A benefic in the 3rd house, makes the native timid.
3) If malefics occupy the 3rd and 6th houses from Karakamsa, the native becomes a cultivator of lands.
4) Malefics in the 3rd and 6th, while Jupiter is in the 9th from Karakamsa, confer Rajayoga.

Twelfth House from Karakamsa:

1) Benefics in the 12th indicate the gain of happy higher regions of the universe.
2) Ketu in the 12th gives the final deliverance of soul. This means the gain of the soul’s self-enjoyment.
3) If Pisces or Cancer or Aries or Sagittarius is the 12th house from Karakamsa and is occupied by Ketu, the native attains the perfect bliss of soul.
4) If the 12th from Karakamsa is occupied by malefics, the native falls into owell.

Devotion to God by the planetary placement in the 12th house from Karakamsa is as follows:

Sun and Ketu – Siva
Moon – Gouri
Venus – Lakshmi
Mars – Skanda
Mercury and Saturn – Vishnu
Jupiter – Sambasiva
Rahu – Durga
Ketu – Ganesha, Skanda
5) Saturn in the malefic 12th house, gives devotion to the base deities.
6) Venus also like Saturn, gives devotion to low deities.

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