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Typed and Proof-read by
Pradeepsinh Jadeja, India
Now we come to the exposition of Argala useful for the judgement of financial and professional status.
The Argala signs should be reckoned from a planet who aspects Janma Lagna, as explained in the first lesson.
The three categories of the Argala signs to be reckoned from aspecting planet are : 1. Principal Argala signs. 2. Specific Argala sign. 3. Subsidiary or secondary Argala signs.
(1) Principal Argala Signs (P.A.S)
The 2nd, 4th and 11th signs from the aspecting planet are the principal Argala signs. The corresponding Virodhargala signs (V.A.S) are the 12th, 10th and 3rd signs from the aspecting planet.

If a planet occupies the 2nd sign from an aspecting planet ( a planet aspecting Janma lagna) Subhargala forms. This gives Dhana Yoga. It is not necessary that the natural benefics only should occupy the Argala sign for the formation of Subhargala Yoga. But this Subhargala Yoga gets cancelled if the 12th sign also from the aspecting planet is occupied by a planet or planets. Similarly, a planet in the 4th sign of an aspecting planet forms a Subhargala Yoga. This may be cancelled by the occupancy of a planet or the planets in the 10th sign of the aspecting planet. Similarly a planet or planets in the 11th sign of an aspecting planet can form Subhargala Yoga. This may be cancelled by a planet or planets in the 3rd sign of the aspecting planet. This means that the Virodhargala signs of an aspecting planet (12th, 10th and 3rd) should lie vacant to form a Subhargala Yoga by the occupation of the planets in the principal Argala signs (2nd, 4th & 11th) of the aspecting planets. However, a concession is given to the formation of Subhargala Yoga. If the number of planets in the Virodhargala signs is less than the number of planets in the Argala signs. Subhargala Yoga does not get marred. However, the Virodhargala signs lying vacant are preferred for the full formation of Subhargala Yoga. For example, Janma Lagna is Taurus and Mars occupies Libra. Mars aspects Janma Lagna Taurus. Hence Mars is the aspecting planet. The principal Argala signs from the aspecting planet are Scorpio (2nd), Capricorn (4th) and Leo (11th). Suppose Saturn occupies Capricorn (4th) while Cancer (10th) lies vacant. Then Subhargala Yoga forms. But if Cancer also is occupied by two planets, say Venus and mercury. Subhargala Yoga formed by Saturn in Capricorn (4th) gets marred. But if Cancer is occupied by Mars alone. Subhargala Yoga does not get marred because Mars by debilitation is weaker than Saturn. If Capricorn is occupied by one planet, Subhargala does not get spoiled.
Subhargala Potential:
Subhargala Potential:
Assess the Subhargala potential for judging the professional or financial status of a chart classifying into three orders :
Superior Order:
Involvement of benefics in the principal Argala signs.
Involvement of three or more planets in the principal Argala signs.
Involvement of the planets in the three Argala signs
Above Average Order:
Involvement of both benefics and malefics in the principal Argala signs.
Involvement of the planets in any two principal Argala signs.
Average Order:
Involvement of the malefics in any principal Argala signs.
Involvement of one planet in any one principal Argala sign.
Illustration :
Janma Lagna in Chart 1 is Aquarius. This is a fixed sign. The Moon occupies Libra which is a moveable sign. Hence the Moon from the moveable sign aspects Janma Lagna Aquarius, the fixed sign. Hence the moon becomes the aspecting planet. From the aspecting planet, Moon the 2nd principal Argala sign (Scorpio) is occupied by Jupiter while the 12th sign Virgo, is vacant. Hence Subhargala Yoga forms. The 4th sign (Capricorn) from the Moon is occupied by Mercury while the 10th sign is vacant. Hence Subhargala Yoga forms. Thus in the chart two Argala signs and two benefics are involved in the formation of Subhargala Yoga. Hence the Subhargala potential is above average. The native is a professor in medicine and is financially very sound.
The 2nd category of the Argala sign is the 3rd sign from the aspecting planet called the specific Argala sign, when occupied by more than two malefics. This constitutes Subhargala Yoga which never gets spoiled even though the 11th sign of the aspecting planet is occupied by the planets. Hence this is also called as the Nirabhasargala Yoga. This Nirabhasargala Yoga forms also if a malefic among the planets in the 3rd sign of aspecting planet gets more degrees. The Nirabhasargala Yoga bestows an independent Raja Yoga.

Illustration :
In Chart 2 of Gandhiji, the Moon aspects Janma Lagna, Libra . The 3rd sign from the aspecting planet. Moon is occupied by three planets viz Venus, Mercury and Mars. Among the three, Mars attains the highest degrees. Hence Nirabhasargala Yoga is formed and Gandhiji enjoyed independent Raja Yoga. We will later discuss the quantum of Yoga according to the order of the aspecting planet.
The 3rd category of Argala sign is called the Secondary Argala sign. The 5th and 9th signs from the aspecting planet are the secondary Argala signs. The ninth sign from the aspecting planet is the Virodhargala sign of the 5th Argala sign and the 5th sign is the Virodhargala sign of the 9th Argala sign. Benefics in the 9th sign of the aspecting planet while the 9th lies vacant. Subhargala Yoga constituted by the secondary Argala signs confers name and enough money

Illustration :
In Chart 3 Janma Lagna is Cancer. This is aspected by the Sun and the Moon. these are the aspecting planets. The 9th sign from these aspecting planets is occupied by exalted Mars, while the 5th sign lies vacant, constituting Subhargala Yoga. This conferred on him name and wealth.
Thus we have learnt how Subhargala Yogas are constituted by the three categories of the Argala signs reckoned from the aspecting planet. In the formation of Subhargala Yogas by the 1st category of the Argala signs (Principal Argala signs 2nd, 4th, 11th) both the benefics and malefics are involved. In the formation of a Subhargala Yoga by the 2nd category formation of Subhargala Yoga by the 3rd category (S.A.S, 5th , 9th) only benefics or exalted malefics are involved.
We have learnt so far, that the three categories of Argala signs are reckoned from the aspecting planet, that is a planet which aspects Janma Lagna, by the sign method of aspects. If no planet aspects Janma Lagna, see whether any planet aspects the 5th from Janma Lagna and judge from its Argala signs and the formation of Subhargala Yoga. If the 5th from the Janma Lagna is not aspected, see whether any planet aspects the 9th from the janma Lagna and judge the Argala signs and the formation of Subhargala Yoga.

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