Wednesday , February 19 2025
Tampering with Special Arudha Rules of BPHS by Jagdish Raj Ratra

Tampering with Special Arudha Rules of BPHS by Jagdish Raj Ratra

LATE Shri C. S. Patel in introduction to his book ARUDHA SYSTEM OF PREDICTIONS made these comments: – “Maharshi Jaimini has extensively dealt with the Arudha Pada System of Astrology.  Though, Sage Parashar has originally sown the seeds on BPHS.  Later on JAIMINI delved deep and located many pearls out of his wisdom and intuition.  Thus, the system became to be known by the name of JAIMINI rather than PARASHAR”.

“One thing can be said without the fear of contradiction that after Parashar down to JATAK TATWA, none of the authors of standard books (texts) had touched this subject”.

There are two types of rules to find Arudha of any bhava (1) General Rule deals with Arudhas of Bhavas whose lords are placed in a NON KENDRA signs to the Bhava (2) Special Rules deal with Arudhas of Bhavas whose lords are placed in a Kendra to the Bhava.

Parashar’s views for general rule:

लग्नाद् यावतिथे राशौ तिष्टेल्लग्नेश्वरः क्रमात्।

ततस्तावतिथे राशौ लग्नस्य पदमुच्यते॥

Arudha is called Pada also.  The Pada of the Ascendant will correspond to the sign arrived at by counting as many signs from Ascendant Lord as he is ahead from the Ascendant.  The general rule is clear with no controversy while special Rules are controversial.

Bhava Arudhas are found as under:-

Rashi for which Arudha is required

Placement of Rashi Lord in another Rashi














These workings are based on a simple arithmetic formula i.e. 2n-1.

( 2n-Rashi code of Pada seeking Rashi)

‘n’ is the number of signs Bhava Lord is placed away from the Bhava (Rashi) whose Arudha is sought.  Multiply 2 by ‘n’ and reduce there from Rashi code of x.  Mesha is 1, Vrishabha is 2, Mithuna is 3 and so on.  If the net figure under 2n-1 is more than 12, expunge 12 from it.

Parashar’s Special Rules for Kendra placement of sign lord from Bhava for which Arudha is needed:

स्वस्थानं सप्तमं नैवं पदं भवितुमर्हति।

तस्मिन् पदत्वे विज्ञेयं मध्यं तुर्य क्रमात् पदम्॥

यथा तुर्यैस्थिते नाथे तुर्यमेव पदं भवेत्।

सप्तमे च स्थिते नाथे विज्ञेयं दशम् पदम्॥

Sign occupied by its lord and 7th sign from the occupied sign are disqualified to become pada, where sign is occupied by its lord.  Ten signs away from occupation is Pada, also where sign lord occupies 7th from the sign for which Pada is required, then also ten signs away from the sign for which Pada required.  The Sanskrit language used in the above verses may be queer but the logic in the verse is simple.

If by formula 2n-1, we get disqualified signs as pada, reject them and in its place take 10th sign as Pada from the disqualified signs.  Let us understand the implication of the rules:

What is Pada of Mesha Lagna if Mars is placed in first Kendra (Own sign Mesha)?

Mesha is represented by ‘1’, by 2n-1 calculation 2(1)-1 = 1 which is Mesha.  The lagna is disqualified as Pada, ten signs away from Mesha is Makara which is substituted as Pada.

What is Pada of Mesha if Mars is placed in Thula (3rd Kendra)?

Thula is represented by 7.

By 2n-1, 2(7)-1 = 13 expunging 12, we get ‘1’ which is Mesha, which is disqualified and is substituted by Makara as Pada.

What is Pada of Mesha if Mars is placed in Kataka?

Kataka is represented by digit 4.  By formula 2n-1, 2(4)-1 = 7, is Thula.  Thula is 7th from Ascendant Mesha hence disqualified as Pada.  Ten signs away from Thula is Kataka is the substitute Pada.  This is the sign occupied by Mars.  Therefore, rule if sign lord occupies 2nd Kendra that Kendra itself is Pada.

What is Pada of Mesha if Mars occupies Makar?

Makara is represented by digit 10.  So 2n-1 is equal to 2(10)-1 = 19 expunging 12, we get 7, being 7 from Lagna, Thula is disqualified and is substituted by Kataka as above.

Parashar’s Special Rules in tabular form:

Rashi for which Pada is required

Mar’s placement signs

Formula figures



















General Rule         :         यावदीशाश्रयं पदमृक्षाणाम्।

Special Rule          s         :         स्वस्थे दाराः। सुतस्थे जन्म।

General Rule: As far as a sign lord is away from its sign that far away is the Padam from the sign lord.  It is just 2n-1 formula.  Both the Rishis agree on this.

Special Rules:       

Swastha Darah –   (स्वस्थे दाराः।) has more than one meaning (i) Swa is own; (ii) Swa is ‘4’ by numerical value of letter (व); (iii) (दाराः) is also 4 – numerical value of Da is 8 and Ra is equal to 2.  Writing these digits in speaking order = 28 expunging multiple of 12, we get 4.

Working of Sutra explained, what is Pada of Mesha when Mars is placed in 1st Kendra (own sign)? 

There is zero gap between sign and sign lord in terms of signs.  Rishi says extend this zero gap to 4 signs, such that Kataka becomes Padam.

What is Pada of Mesha when Mars is placed in 2nd Kendra (Kataka) from Mesha?

There is 4 signs gap between sign and sign lord Rule says extend this gap to 4 signs further from Kataka to get Thula which becomes Pada.

सुतस्थे जन्म।Numerically सुत is Seven and जन्म is Ten under Katapayadi Paddhati

This is Special Rule for finding Pada where Bhava Lord is placed in 3rd Kendra (7th Bhava) to its sign.  The rule says if gap between sign and sign lord is 7 signs, extend this gap to 10 signs from sign lord (its placement) to get Pada.  For Mesha Lagna, Mars in Thula, Pada shall be Kataka.

For 4th Kendra placement of sign lord from its sign, general rule 2n-1 is applicable so no special rules have been framed.  For Mesha lagna, Mars in Makara, Pada shall be Thula.  These rules apply to all signs and not only to Lagna Sign.

COMPARATIVE CHART of Padas under special rules of both Parashar and Jaimini:

Sl. No.

Sign for which Pada required

Placement of Lord of the Sign

Pada by Parashar

Pada by Jaimini





















The question is which Rishi to follow?  Is there an independent literature which uses Pada as predictive tool?  Yes Deva Kerala (Chandra Kala Nadi) is such a grantha, it follows JAIMINI and not PARASHAR.  We present concrete examples from DK for benefit of readers.

  • Simha Lagna –         Vikram Pada

DK Book No.3, verses 2312 to 2333

Verse      2312    –         The Sun in Vrishabha

               2315    –         Mars in Vrishchika

               2324    –         Jupiter aspects (Parashari) the Sun

               2331    –         The Moon in Kanya

                         –         Mercury in Vrishabha

                         –         Venus in Mesha

               2332    –         Saturn in Meena

Chart 112

विक्रमारूढगे जीवे वीक्षिते राहुसंयुते

हरिणांशकगे सौम्ये सत्यवादी दृढव्रतः

सर्वज्येष्ठानुजभ्रातृ तन्मूलात् कलेशमभोग्यवान्॥

From Lagna 3rd bhava is Thula whose lord is placed in 3rd Kendra (7th bhava) from Thula.  As per सुतस्थे जन्म।Arudha for 3rd bhava is 10 signs away from Venus (Thula Lord in Mesha) Makar become Pada where Jupiter is placed.

As per Parashar, bhava for which Arudha is required and 7th there from are disqualified as Pada.  Vikram sign is Thula and its 7th Mesha both get disqualified as Vikram Arudha.

As per 2n-1 = 2(7)-1 = 13 expunge 12 = 1 is Thula.  Otherwise count Thula to Mesha and again 7 signs from Mesha to get Thula which cannot be Pada, it is substituted by the Rashi 10 signs away from Thula i.e. Kataka. Whereas DK says Makar is pada of Thula, Deva Keralam Nadi has rejected Parashar and has followed Jaimini.

  • Vrishchika Lagna –         Brahma Nadiamsha

DK Book No.3, verses 2166, 67, 68, 69

Verse      2143    –         Saturn in Dhanu

               2145    –         Jupiter in Dhanu

               2150    –         Mars in Simha

               2150    –         Mercury in Meena

                         –         Venus in Meena

               2168    –         The Moon in Vrishabha

               2170    –         The Sun in Mesha

Chart 113

आरूढे स्वोच्चगे चन्द्रे यत्किंचित् धनलाभवान्

तदाष्टगते जीवे वस्त्र वाहनधान्यवान्॥

In Vrishchika Lagna its lord Mars is in 10th bhava from Lagna, Count 10 signs from Vrishchika, Dhanu……………………. to Simha, again count 10 signs from Simha to Kanya, Thula etc. to reach Vrishabha which becomes Pada for Lagna that is occupied by exalted Moon.  This Pada is as per JAIMINI.  Three planets, the Sun, the Moon and Venus are exalted.

As per Parashara, Lagna and its 7th (Vrishabha) are disqualified as Pada.  As per 2n-1 formula Vrishabha become Pada which is disqualified.  So 10 signs away from Vrishabha, Kumbha is Pada.  DK Nadi has rejected Parashara and followed JAIMINI.

  • Kanya Lagna

DK Book No.3, Page 187 verse 4494

Verse      4476   –         Mercury in Thula

               4480   –         5th lord Saturn with Mars

               4484   –         Venus in 11th from Mercury

               4492   –         Saturn in 9th from Mercury in Mithuna

Chart 114

भाग्यारूढाधिप भौमे कर्मारूढपसयुंते

भाग्य् योगमिति प्राहुः सत्कर्मचार बुद्धिमान्॥

From Lagna 9th bhava is Vrishabha whose lord Venus is placed in 2nd Kendra from Vrishabha (in Simha).  As per स्वस्थे दाराः extend 4 signs from Simha to get Vrischika as Bhagya Arudha.  10th bhava from Kanya Lagna is Mithuna whose lord is placed 5 signs ahead of it, count 5 signs forward from Thula to get Kumbha as 10th Pada.  Mars and Saturn become Padas lords for 9th and 10th bhavas and these both lords are placed in 10th bhava from Lagna forming a Lucky Yoga.  Note how beautifully Nadi has made use of two Arudhas.

As per Parashar 9th Arudha should have been placement sign of Venus from Vrishabha.  From Vrishabha its lord is placed 4 signs ahead, count 4 signs ahead from Simha we reach Vrishchika which is 7th of Vrishbha, hence rejected.  10 signs away from Vrishchika is Simha is the substituted Pada.

Nadi has persistently rejected special rules of Parashar.  Some question raises their heads.  Deva Keral follows all the principles, rules and regulations laid in MANUAL OF ASTROLOGY i.e. BPHS. How it is that special rules for Arudha has failed.  In the times of DK (i) either this draft of Parashar was not there or (ii) there was some draft, which tallied with Jaimini (iii) the original draft subsequently has been corrupted or replaced by authorities known as Vridha Karika of Yavanas.  We think there was much more tinkering with BPHS over the history, only 2 of them have come to our notice (i) Trishamsha of 5 stages per sign (2) Special Rules of Pada.  We discovered 30 stages per sign Trishamsha Chart in place of 5 stages per sign Trishamsha and also found special arudha rules of Parashar as fake.

We have in a separate article “SHREEMAN YOGA” by Jaimini have presented 24 charts covering ordinary men, saints, industrialists and politicians.  This yoga has been given by Jaimini Chapter Pada or Arudha.  Arudha of rising Ascendant is called Patni Pada and is marked in the Mother Chart (Janam Kundli).  Patni Pada is the first bhava of Pada Kundali, then we work out padas for II and XI bhava from Patni Pada called Kosha Pada and Labha Pada as per general and special rules.  In all, there are 72 padas – three padas for each Kundali – out of which 13 padas are under special category.  Kosha Pada and Labha Pada when in mutual Kendra or Kona create Shreeman (Richman), where these 2 padas are mutually 6/8 or 2/12 they create Shreeheen (Poorman).

Yoga results are 100% correct in 24 charts of the said article.  Those interested may study the article for clearing all doubts about casting of Padas.  The list of Padas casted under special rules of Jaimini is as under:

Chart No. under the old article

स्वस्थे दाराः

Sign lord in First Kendra to its Sign

स्वस्थे दाराः

Sign lord in 2nd Kendra to its Sign

सुतस्थे जन्म

Sign lord in 3rd Kendra to its Sign
























Arudha system of predictions is rich field of study, full of gems & gives instant answers to queries. Unfortunately it has been ignored by almost all authors on astrology as such has been buried as dead subject. We have proved its utility by following articles:-

  • Eye ailments
  • Shrimant yoga
  • Upapada & married life
  • Horoscope matching Jaimini style

Let scholars & students study afresh the Pada(Arudha) & Upapada in JAIMINI.

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