Wednesday , February 19 2025
Narpatijaycharya by Sri Narpati Translated by Alok Jagawat Chapter 2

Narpatijaycharya by Sri Narpati Translated by Alok Jagawat Chapter 2

Atha Shastrasangrahadhyaya

Shloka 1,2

I pray to universally existent Brahma, the undefined, the beloved of all Yogijan, the symbol of eternal happiness. I “Narpati”, With a heartfelt devotion to Goddess “Saraswati”, who is the beloved of many Devatas and knowledgeable men, embark upon the journey of writing the Grantha” (the book) which will be a key to success of kings. With this, I start the epic work called “ṇarpatijayacarya ṣvarodaya”

Shloka 3,45,6,7

Before writing this grantha Sri Narpati practiced the Seven Yamalas (Yamalas are a part of Sakta Agama and hold Sakti as Supreme Goddess. Both Vama and Dakshina hold Sixty-four agamas or more. Most of them are in the form of Siva-Sakti conversation). Sri Narpati grasped and practiced the mention from these scriptures before he finally condensed them to “ṇarpatijayacarya ṣvarodaya”. These Yamalas are: 1. Brahmayamal. 2. Vishnuyamal. 3. Rudrayamal. 4. Aadiyamal. 5. Skandayamal. 6. Kurmayamal. 7. Deviyamal.

He also read Yuddhajayarnava, Kaumari auśal, Yogini zāl, akśoghnam ṭrimundam, ṣvararnavam, bhuval bhairavm, ṣvarabhairav patal. He quotes that the above granthas were related to Swarashastra.

Commentator: Most of the Granthas mentioned above are not present in their exact form. It is difficult to find them.

Shloka 8,9

Sri Narpati remarks that a king carrying a “Hina-Swarodaya” (Heena means weak Swara or with something lacking) is defeated at the behest of his enemy. Even if he owns lot of soldiers, horses, elephants and supporters, he will lose the battle owing to this “Hina Swara”.

The author mentions that warriors can win the battle only to the extent till they lose all good swaras expounded by a “Swara Shastra’ expert.

Commentator: The author is giving due importance to an expert of Swara Shastrargya and his presence to win battles.

Shloka 10,11,12

A king can win a battle even without the help of a “Swara Shastra” expert, but then his triumph will be as short lived as the letters formed through floor beetle or as the blindness of a Pied Crested Cuckoo (Chataka).

Commentator: Floor beetles are fast and alphabets will vanish if beetles are used for formation of words. Pied crested cuckoo has a short-lived desire for rainwater; which is referred as blindness over here.

A king, who is not assisted by a “Swara Devagya” (expert of Swara) has his kingdom standing on the poles made of stem of a Banana tree.

Commentator: Stem of a banana tree indicates weakness of the base.

The king will be bestowed the wealth of victory; if he follows the man who is righteous, who has controlled his cravings; and who is an expert of “Swarashastra”.

Shloka 13,14,15,16,17,18,19

A king with strong Swara Bala can win ten fighters with one, hundred fighters with ten and one thousand fighters with hundred fighters. One with a weak Swara Bala should avoid fighting everyone, even a flower.

With proper Swarabala one can fight with the strongest man carrying heavy weapons. Sri Narpati says that a king should have Panchratnas (Five gems) in his court. They include:

1.ṣvaragya ( A knower of Swaras) 2. ṣakunagya ( A person who has expertise in omens ) 3. ḍaivagya ( A person who has expertise in astrology ) 4. ṁantraśastri ( An expert of Mantras ) 5. keriliya jyotirvid ( An expert of Kereliya astrology ) Sri Narpati now explains the twenty chakras been defined in Shadangas. This includes Swarachakra, Chakra, Bhubala, Bala, Sahakuna and Jyotisha. They are the six parts, which carry twenty types of Chakras. 1| ṁatrasvara 2| varnaṣvara 3| ġrahasvara 4| zeevasvara 5| aśisvara 6| ṇakśatrasvara 7| pindasvara 8| yogasvara 9| ḍvadaśvarśiksvara 10| varśik svara 11| āyanasvara 12| itusvara 13| ṁasiksvara 14| pakśhsvara 15| ḍinasvara 16| ṇadisvara 17| ṭithi var ṣanyoga ṣvara 18| ḍiśasvara 19| ṭatkalik ṣvara 20| ḍinaphalsvara

Commentator: Swara refers to cosmic sounds or nada. A human body has different nadas inside. One can hear these cosmic sounds during the awakening of Kundalini. As the shadchakras get “bhedan” or are pierced, several nadas are produced. In super-conscious state, these nadas provide keys to the kala gyana or knowledge of time. The Swaras correlated to chakras of human body, which produce cosmic nada. They influence human psyche by different patterns. Knowledge of these swaras gives us the key to physical, psychological and transcendental state of mind. The all-pervading Maya chakras mentioned by these chakras are projections to your original six inside. Once you know what is inside; you will always know what is outside. Once you know what is outside (swara chakras), you will know what is inside. In short, these chakras are cosmic sound patterns that hold the golden key of “Kalagyana”.

Shloka 20, 21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32

Sri Narpati now explains the few chakras from eighty-four different chakras that have been defined in shastras. This includes: 1| Padatmaka 2| ṣatpadchakra 3| ṇavmanśa chakra 4| chatra chakra 5| ṣinghasan chakra 6| kurma chakra 7| bhu 8| ḍeś 9| ṇagarchetra chakra 10|ġrahkoorma chakra 11|Pakśa chakra 12| ahukalanal carka 13| ṣuryakalanal chakra 14| chandrakalanal chakra 15| ġhorkalanal chakra 16| ġoodhkalanal chakra 17| chandrasuryajanitkalanal chakra 18| ṣanghat chakra 19| Kulakul charka 20| umbha chakra 21| Varna prastar chakra | 22| ṭumburuchakra 23| bhucarchakra 24| hecar chakra 25| ṇadichakra 26| Kaālchakra 27| Phani chakra 28| ṣthanchakra 29| halakchakra 30| Kotachakra 31| ġajchakra 32| āśva chakra 33| atha chakra 34| vieuchakra 35| Kuntachakra 36| angachakra 37| chuhrichakra 38| ḍhanuchakra 39| ṣanichakra 40| ṣevachakra 41| ṇarachakra 42| ḍimbhachakra 43| Pakśichakra 44| vargachakra 45| āāychakra 46| vriśtichakra 47| ṣaptaśalakhachakra 48| panchaśalakha chakra 49| ṣyenchakra 50| ṭoranchakra 51| āhibalchakra 52| ḻangalchakra 53| bijotpattichakra 54| vriśchakra 55| ḍinphalchakra 56| Matrikachakram 57| Saptanadicharam 55| Sawantasar chakram 55| Sthanchakram 55| Maaschakram

According to Narpati, a king can win over a battle with “Indra”, if he starts his combat after a thorough knowledge of all these chakras.

Commentator: Sri Narpati has mentioned about eighty-four chakras in the starting of the sloka and actual mention of names is far less. Either some slokas of this part are missing, or Sri Narpati himself avoided the same. Reader’s discretion is adviced.

Sloka 33,34,35,36,37,38-45

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