Sukar Nadi by Saptarishis Astrology’ Team

Sukar Nadi by Saptarishis Astrology’ Team

Maharishi Suka imparted his Jyotish knowledge to King Parikshit for the benefit of future generations. His teachings are also called ‘Suka Nadi.’  This work was originally rendered in Sanskrit and later translated in Tamil language by learned scholars. Now, Saptarishi Astrology Team has made an effort to translate it into English so that it will be useful to all. We understand that there can be some errors in our translation for which we beg the pardon of scholars & request them to submit the correct translation.

It is believed that Sukar Rishi resided in a place called Nedunkunram near Vandavasi, North Arcot District, Tamil Nadu. There is a passage in that mountain which is known as Sukar Nadhi (Sukar River).

The first 6 slokas deal with praising of Lord Ganesha and Lord Krishna.

(7) King Parikshit goes to Maharishi Suka as per the advice of Rishi Vyasa. Maharishi Suka says that he is under the influence of Maya and his curse is sort of cheating due to the shadow planet ‘Rahu’.

(8) King asks the Rishi about the Grahas and its results, whether one can overcome destiny by using his knowledge and intelligence like Markendeya

(9) Rishi telling the King about impossibility of overcoming destiny and one has to go through ones fate.

(10, 11 & 12) Rishi tells the King, that his teachings are not only meant for him but also to the entire populace, how he derives and removes the planetary differences to arrive at predictions, how after examining all other astrological texts rendered by other rishi’s, went into tapasya (meditation) and arrived at Sukar nadi.

(13) This Shloka describes various astrological texts that is assumed to be considered by Maharishi Sukar before writing this nadi & these texts are Jatalakankara, Kerelam, Janduu Nada Bhavam, Dwadasabhavam, Marana Kandikai, Parasaram, Yoga Agama Shastram, Sudama Muni’s Text before imparting to King Parikshit.

(14-19) Foreword written by Poet C.T.Kannisami Pillai for bringing out Sukar Nadi in Tamil.

In essence, the main text starts from sloka (20).

(20) Graha Yudh:

With Surya, Sani will lose its strength

With Sani, Mars will lose,

With Sani (scribe thinks in his own house), Guru will lose (probably in Makar and Aquarius, sani with guru, then guru lose its strength)

With Guru in his own house, Moon will lose its strength (probably Guru in Dhanur and Pisces, Moon will lose its strength)

With Moon, Venus will lose its strength

With Venus, Mercury will lose its strength

With Mercury in his own house, Moon will lose it strength.

  1. It’s about the time of birth for writing horoscope of the child. It says that only after the full birth, the time has to be taken. The time of complete Jananam is when the child comes out completely in to the earth.

Placement of various planets in 12 houses



1st house


(slokas 22 & 23)

1.Good health, adamant, mental illness if lagna is mesh, defective eye sight if lagna is kataka, lot of opponents if lagna is simha and if lagna is weak, lack of clarity and senseless, directionless person.


2. in the early years, slim but later on fatty, blind courage, good and frank person, fond of foods, short temper, like ghee, lemon and pan items.

Sloka 24

Fond of good food, conservative, elders love him, no evil thoughts, good deed doer, quick sharp brain, fond of music, women, gets wealth at right time, likes to dress well, good sayana sukham, guru bhakthi.


Bhakti, loyal, helpful, will offer food to many persons, he is a good person, secretive, will have workers, fond of sleep, will seduce woman for sexual exploits, will accumulate wealth.

II house


Defective eye. If aspected by malefics, the vision is impaired with a sort of screen &this will continue (permanently – it is authors interpretation).


Thinks a lot, will acquire all jyotish knowledge, sculpture, will learn and teach purans, poetry, grow independently, short temper with women, on the face lovely fellow


Will accumulate wealth in later years, will grow independently, will donate food, sweet natured, no double talk, fearless, soft heart, excessive attraction to woman and will peep shamelessly at their sexual organs with lot of interest, temperament nature, alternative sex inclination, will listen to friends words, have religious faith also.

III house

29 & 30


Knowledgeable, gyani, sulking, vak dosha,


Will have siblings, will learn skills in many ways, quick witted, high anger, fond of many articles, will be respected by all, good stature, but what to say, he will indulge in unethical behavior for sexual pleasures.


Attached to brothers, quick responder, everybody will praise, tall, fair, liberal, will rise on his own efforts, good to good people, wealthy & capable of meeting many women.

IV house

32 & 33

He will either have teeth problem or sort of paralysis (undhi phal vadam), or his enemies will have all this handicaps…it can also be interpreted as he will have all this handicaps and also has lot of enemies.



Will have village house or say farmhouse these days, sallabhan say jolly type, henpecked husband, shy, good to outsiders, life long worried, religious heart, diplomatic, truthful.


Will have vehicle bhagya, will do lots of punya karma, woman will love him, will accumulate lot of wealth, respected by all, will enjoy all types of comfort

V house

35 & 36

Illness or ill luck to father, lakshmi kataksham (he who has been blessed by Lakshmi during his birth time itself) provided the house happens to be his janma rasi house.



Knowledge, issues will be rare or less, comforts at all times, yogam, land, massive wealth, will live like king, harmless, quick temper, loveable to outsiders, will travel to many countries.


Two wives, will earn lot of money, have bhagya to own cows and other animals, workers, devotional and religious, good job, handsome, multi skill sets, loves and fond of woman.

VI house


Birth caste or religious belief systems will change, enemies will rise, will perform homas and yagnas, action oriented, wealthy, will accumulate all forms of wealth tirelessly, will overcome the fate by his own efforts and will live with pomp and décor



Enemies will be destroyed, will rise independently through his own efforts and will accumulate lot of wealth and other good things, have good predictive capacity as things will turn out as per his words[2], will do lot of charity, will enjoy comfort of sons. (OR)


His wife will be wealthy, will ignore enemies and other opponents mistakes and will help to them because of his inherent good nature; he is liked by one and all. While he is liked by all in outside, some relatives will not like him. Good conveyance, bhagya, workers etc.

VII house


Attracted to other woman (not clear whether Moon also should be there as the word “alari” also indicate moon), if aspected by malefics, multiple marriages can happen, will complain/allege false charges against those he dislikes, likes drinks and will travel many places



Will commit adultery without fail, good wealth, if the weak surya is aspected by Saturn, his wife will charge him with defamation[3], rise in worries, will have ancestral properties.  (OR)


Will grow like banyan tree, will learn 3 skill sets, lovable wife with wealth, will seek sexual pleasures from prostitutes than his wife, (the words used here in the text is “devi suga arpam meaning sayana sugam with wife is less and “parathai mogan” meaning attracted to prostitutes), land and building will accrue to him easily, will have disappointment or sadness in his lending matters, knows how to live without any delay in matters, compatibility between husband and wife is always subject to friction… 

VIII house

44 & 45

Some defect in eye, fool, cheap mind, short life, danger if aspected or conjoined with malefics, ill luck to his father, failure in endeavours, worries will eat him up.



Subject to four dangers to his life, vaishuri fever, water based danger, accident due to animals or vehicle. Will come out of all due to his punya karma, vak phalitam, obedient and honest speech, will learn jyotish and will teach the same.  


Will have ancestral properties, problem in issue (children) creations, cheater, hates his wife, will have workers, loveable to outsiders, will learns knowledge through various ways, comfort at all times, will rise independently through self efforts and will accumulate wealth, some illness.

IX house

47 & 48

Good person, devoted, loveable, less bhagya, will destroy his wealth by spending wrongly.



Wrong habits, danger to father, talkative, knows 3 skills, army captain, have workers under him, possess precious articles the value of which keeps rising, too much attracted to womenfolk, enjoys in daytime, capable of doing anything,


Courageous, all respect him, poor in early part and rich in later part of life, sallabha sarasi (means enjoyer of sensual pursuits), will carry himself very well, will live without any complications or dispute, have good conveyances, dear to elders, and knows the intricacies of sangeeth (music).

X house

50 & 51

Very famous, accumulator of all types of wealth, will multiply the wealth ethically; will live with name and fame.  



Difficulty in early age, after 18 years will prosper gradually, will acquire land and buildings, reasonable, will behave suitably knowing his opponents nature.


Knows multiple skills, upward looking, no support and use for  his wife who may be blind or blindly loving him, attached to a loving prostitute, lifelong nature of worrying, oppose anybody who controls his ways, loyal to his superior. 

XI house

53 & 54

High bhagya, will possess all types of conveyance, strong opponents and enemies, will live in a place where vedic language sort of skill  being either used or taught, strong body & health, equal to king  



Will inherit or acquire by legacy some wealth, good heart, will accumulate wealth by conscious savings, everybody will praise him, not many issues or nil issues, it will worry him a lot, but still will live like a king

XII house

55 & 56

Devoted, bhaktimaan, loveable nature, no wealth and no charity, poor, tapasi, will live with his wife, will defeat all his strong enemies, bad temper, wrong doer, vengeance behaviour, eyes will move as if he is fearing something like the time of thunder lightning   (OR)


No problem at the time of his birth, (not sure how to interpret it, whether it conveys the nature of delivery or whether it indicates such a native removes all the problems of family from the time of birth,) good next birth, will do lot of punya karma to attain pitru world, will perform many acts praised by one and all.



I house

57 & 58

If moon is alone, 2 sudden dangers to life are seen. One through water and other through fire. Handsome complexion, if aspected by benefics. Native and the parent’s belief systems will be different.    (OR)


Cheating mind, sorrowful heart, courageous, pitha heat body, short height, conservative and fair complexion, fond of good foods, interested in sour tasty foods, worrying mind, discreet, likes to have ghee, curd in the morning


Will not trust his wife, devoted, conveyance comfort, not well with wife side people, very good to mother, habit of lying, but what to say, he will seduce motherly woman with sweet talk for sexual pleasure


Capable, knowledge of jyotish, greedy for accumulation of wealth, learned vedas, vak phalitam, acquire good name and fame in later years, life long worried, discreet, short tempered, 4 dangers to life – accident through vehicle, water, illness and vaishuri fever

II house


Cheap mind, will possess animals, if birth is in sukla paksha, 2 marriages, till 17 years, health problems and if crosses 17, will live upto 70 years  (OR)


Deep planning thoughts, fond perfumes, dresses, jewellery, will marry or have sex with eldest, prophetic words or vak phalitam, (vak phalitam means the words spoken will come true), will learn rare jyotish texts, purans and teach


Excessive attraction to woman, good name with respect from high places, keen to have (capable) pleasure from many woman, not beneficial or good to relatives, changing mind, knowledgeable in music, will do lot of punya karma, will get wealth by legacy or suddenly (sort of third party wealth accruing to him easily)

III house

64 & 65

Evil minded, mercurial nature, smart, profits from land and accumulation of money and wealth through the lands  (OR)


Not intended things will happen, no evils or difficulties, good wife and marital bliss, short tempered, blessings of saraswathi devi, learned in music, possess land and will construct house, have name and fame


Will acquire many knowledge skills, high placed authorities will be friendly, mantra sakthi, affectionate to his sons, philanthropist, sacrificer, will accumulate huge wealth, sweet talker, will earn reputation and respect with his ways.

IV house

67 & 68

Harm to mother, will live well but with opposition from general public. (not clear why the rishi mentions general public here. May be u can read relatives in general)  (OR)


Wrong habits, harm to mother, if aspected by malefics, chance of early loss of mother. But if aspected by benefics, no harm. Will learn higher education, will earn reputation and respect like a king


Huge lands holding, ownership of village, all kinds of conveyances, will live well, proficiency in music, workers, beautiful and good woman will be attracted to him, affectionate to his sons, but always attracted to woman’s

V house

70 & 71

Good wealth, lakshmi kataksham, profits and gains, good education, will possess animals, own house, massive wealth, handsome  (OR)


Good/beneficial to friends, growth of children, wealth from wife’s side, will offer food to poor, proudy, will punish and condition his opponents, will live well


Expertise in purans, respectable reputation, In middle age, illness will strike in the centre part of the body and will get cured, many woman will have sexual relations with him and will leave wealth for him before going away permanently, mole in the body, will listen and act as per his wife’s words (something not going with the earlier stanza’s but one should interpret carefully considering other issues)

VI house

73 & 74

Dislike failures, if conjoined with malefics, lot of money, respect and worship vedic pandits, no mental worries, delayed action, charitable nature (OR)


Mild sickness but cured, will inherit his share of ancestral property, will be having temporal fights with wife and friends, friendly with authorities, money will accrue always


Many types of wealth will accrue, his popularity will increase like surya’s rays, have workers, will protect many people, educated, first in everything

VII house

76 & 77

High sensual pleasure, stable and expert proficiency  (OR)


Will not interrupt, courageous, will try to seduce beautiful woman’s, adamant, short temper, job will come automatically, will earn sufficient money, will live without any troubles


Will acquire vidya in many ways, liberal mind, popular, proficiency in music, adamant, capable of multiplying the wealth, will earn good name

VIII house


Life is short, destined to be pauper and in later part, marital disputes.  (OR)


No pleasure from wife, wanderer,  short temper, will acquire jyotish knowledge, acquire vidya in many ways, less proficiency in music, knowledgeable, if the lord of the 6th conjects, sickness will deprive or reduce his potency, if benefics aspect, the bad effects will be less or nil,  will accumulate needed wealth..

IX house

81 & 82

Good to all, will repair the temples, ponds, knowledge to do learned arguments, healthy body, devoted and religious, lot of chidren, charitable   (OR)


Will worship his father, gods, capable of seeking needed wealth, doer of good deeds, lakshmi will reside in his place, will possess land and building


Proficient in 3 different skill sets, sportive laughing, blessings of Krishna, attracted to woman folk, likes perfumes, with his wealth, he will see many places, will earn respect and reputation.

X house

84 & 85

Demanding, (not able to get translation of “pathamaziah padalam colloquially), will rise and will travel around the world  (OR)


Sudden danger to mother at 10th day or month

(I think month is right) but will be cured if beneficial aspect is there, philanthropist, wealth through friendship with high authorities, speaks truth,  eternal bhaktimaan     




Will acquire village like property, sexual pleasure with young girls, will live like a king, good growth, woman’s attraction and pleasure, faithful to friend 

XI house

87 & 88

Impartial and judgement capacity, anger, back biter, healthy body, fond of children  (OR)


Have brother, good elders, sharp and specialized knowledge, will seek and accumulate wealth, wealthy, will listen and attend to woman’s word, diplomatic and deserve royal living

XII house

89 & 90

His children will not respect him, wrong doings will result in sickness, disappointment and frustration, still wealthy, dhanavaan,  (OR)


Like to dress well, capable of attaining moksha, early part of life, mind will be in disturbed say sort of mental disease and later cured and will rise well.  Will live well with management of others property (here I mentioned as others as these days there is no king whose assets have been leased to this native and this native will make it multiplied), temporal difference between couples.

Publishers Notes: Shloka 42 of Sukar Nadi mentions adultery & also defamation by wife if Saturn aspects. This cannot be subjected to blind interpretation & some caution has to be applied by the astrologer before coming to conclusion. To present a different angle a chart which has a twist to it is presented here.

Sun is not in 7H as per the Shloka 42 but it is in 4H, which is the phalam & karmam house of 7H of marriage.. The 5L of children Jupiter is combust with Sun and this gets a 5-degree close aspect from Saturn & Moon (mother & wife as it is in 7H). This noted Hollywood Film maker was accused of sexual exploitation of the kids by his wife Mia Farrow (She had adopted them). ‘On 1st Dec 1991, he began an affair with Soon-Yi (about age 21), one of Farrow’s adopted tribe.  When Farrow found out, it became a highly public explosion.  She accused him of molesting daughter Dylan on 4th Aug 1992, which was never proven.’ This Sun is with AL (image) so his image was brutally ruptured in public. All this started in Mer/Mer Dasa which is closely conjoint his Sun (4 deg) & Jup (1 deg) & aspected by Saturn from 7H of wife. Saturn is Putrakarka (children) for those who take 7 charakaraka scheme and Jupiter is the dispositor of Rahu placed in 5H again PK (children) for those who take 8 charakaraka scheme. It is worthy to note that Saturn Sun association brings in friction always.

Therefore, the condition of Saturn aspecting Sun is met here except Sun is not in the 7H, & the result ascribed by Sukar Rishi of defamation by wife was the result.

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