Tag Archives: Vinayak Bhatt

Saptarishi Nadi Gemini Ascendant by Yenbeeyes

Saptarishi Nadi Gemini Ascendant by Yenbeeyes

Copy Editor: Bhaskaran Natesan, India Chart 1 We start the translations of the Saptarishis Nadi wherein for Each Ascendant there are nearly 1000 pages equalling 12000 pages in all. Though this is a herculean task & require a lot many contributors who would translate from tamil language to english language …

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Lessons in Jaimini Astrology – 8 by Iranganti Rangacharya

Lessons in Jaimini Astrology – 8 by Iranganti Rangacharya

The readers have been acquainted with the determination of Atmakaraka in the 5th lesson. The sign occupied by Atmakaraka in the Navamsa is called Karakamsa. Now let us see the results on the basis of Karakamsa. 1. If Aries becomes Karakamsa, there will be trouble from the rats or cats. …

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Lessons in Jaimini Astrology – 7 by Iranganti Rangacharya

Lessons in Jaimini Astrology -7

Typed and Proof-read by Pam Rosevear United States In the previous lesson we have learned the conventional notation of four kinds of Chakras, viz. Udaya Chakra, Prakriti Chakra, Vikriti Chakra and Graha Chakra. In this context readers would do well to remember the 25th, 26th and 27th aphorisms in the …

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Tatkalin Bhrigu Prashna – Part 1 by Bhagwan Shri Bhrigu Rishi

Tatkalin Bhrigu Prashna – Part 1 by Bhagwan Shri Bhrigu Rishi

Re-Translated: Rohit Sharma, India A ‘Mission Saptarishis’ Initiative Sage Bhrighu’s Blessings With folded hands and respect I would like to present here the very ancient and hidden prediction technique from Sage Bhrigu. This teaching was presented in Hindi language by Pandit Hardev Sahaye of Meerut (India) for the first time …

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Bhrighu Yogavali – Part 3 by Maharshi Bhrighu

Bhrighu Yogavali – Part 3 by Maharshi Bhrighu

‘A Mission Saptarishis Initiative’ Translated by Sri. Agnihotram Venkata Narayacharyulu and Smt. Shakuntala Gowrishankar Sanskrit Editor: Sri Chandrashehkhar Sharma Special Thanks To: Upendra Angnihotram Sanskrit Additional Comments: Guru Rajesh Preface to 3rd Part What must be re-iterated is the base of any horoscope is yogas which determine the real power …

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Lessons in Jaimini Astrology – 6 by Iranganti Rangacharya

Jaimini Astrology

I should like to acquaint the readers with a few symbolic terms and explain them so that they may have the ready comprehension hereafter throughout, concerning the reckoning of Bhavas, sign–Dasas, Dasas years etc. If one is thorough with these conventional notations, there can be no doubt of a full …

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Lessons in Jaimini Astrology – 5 by Iranganti Rangacharya

Lessons in Jaimini Astrology - 5 by Iranganti Rangacharya

Typed and Proof-read by Swathi Venkata Lakshmi . K We shall take up the Jaimini’s exposition of Karaka theory in this lesson. In Jaimini, Karakas are of two kinds: 1.Variable Karakas, 2. Fixed Karakas . Variable Karakas are Atma, Amatya, Bhratu, Matru, Putra,Jnati,Dara. It means the Karakas vary from horoscope …

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Lessons in Jaimini Astrology – 4 by Iranganti Rangacharya

Lessons in Jaimini Astrology – 4 by Iranganti Rangacharya

Typed and Proof-read by Swathi Venkata Lakshmi . K ARGALA Rajayogas are constituted by the Subhargala Yogas connected with the 1st category of Argala signs(Principal Argala signs 2nd,4th ,11th) and 3rd  category of Argala signs(S.A.S.5th,9th) from the aspecting planet -4,aspecting planet – 5 and aspecting planet – 6(Please refer to …

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Bhrighu Yogavali Part 1 by Maharshi Bhrighu

Bhrighu Yogavali Part 1 by Maharshi Bhrighu

‘A Mission Saptarishis Initiative’ Preface: Every translation has a story and that story is never printed but scholars and passionate astrologers love the story behind a work. Our friend Ms Helen Patterson once insisted that we write an article describing the amount of troubles that are taken to finally get …

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SJC Atri Classes Atri Class 17- Part 1 – Kalachakra

SJC Atri Classes: Atri Class 17- Part 1 – Kalachakra

SJC Atri Classes Atri Class 17- Part 1 – Kalachakra Mithuna lagna, chandra and ketu in lagna – doctor is not able to identify the disease. [SR]: First note that whenever Ketu or Rahu is in lagna then always Remember 90% of the cases the doctor will not be able …

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