Wednesday , February 19 2025
Aries Ascendants Sun in Different Houses for Aries Ascendants

Aries Ascendants Sun in Different Houses for Aries Ascendants

Sun in Different Houses for Aries Ascendants

Aries Ascendants:

Sun in Different Houses for Aries Ascendants

Jatak with Sun of Aries in the 1st house from the ascendant  is learned (Sun is 5L of education here coming to self the 1st house) ; gets  the ideal power of/through education; finds the greatness of self-knowledge (Sun is natural atmakara) ; is of tall stature

(1st House denotes physical structure) ; gets the greatness of the  power of children (5th lord of children coming to lagna showing power[sun] through children) ; gains respect and keeps huge influence (Sun as a planet exhibits influence of power as it is the king of planets), is physically very swift and mentally very shrewd (king is always swift and shrewd); is somewhat deficient in the house of wife and thinks her an ordinary thing

(Sun here exhibits its kingly qualities) ; lacks something and is able to hide things regarding sex (King will always hide his weakness and boast of his manliness); does not care for occupational pursuits and thinks the daily occupation as an ordinary thing (exactly how a king will think).

The native having Sun of Taurus in the second house from ascendant feels difficulties in acquiring education is mentally perplexed; gains wealth by the routine work of knowledge and education; is deficient and finds hindrances on the side of children; is worried regarding the house of children feeling some bondage; has weak finances in the house of wealth but gets it in the shape of the light of education; has younger’s in his family; feels happy in the daily routine of life and in the relation of old and serious things helping the life career.

The native having Sun of Gemini in the third house from ascendant is very powerful due to intellect; gets education and the power of children; has influence of speech; is physically strong; prospers with great toil due to the strength of mind; gets the  power    of   brothers; improves his destiny; believes in Dharma and has faith in God; is very courageous and speaks bravely.

The native having Sun of Cancer in the fourth house from ascendant gets education with ease and feels happy due to it; gets the pleasures of children and the qualities of mother; speaks sweetly and influentially; gets the increased happiness of land due to the union of wisdom and education; is uninterested in the house of father; gets some slackness in the way of advancement due to wisdom; keeps malice in respect of government and society and keeps the house illuminated on account of his wisdom.

The native having Sun of Leo in the fifth house from ascendant acquires good education; is an impressive speaker; gets a grand light in intellect and is very far sighted; gets the power and influence from the side of children; is deficient in the house  of inc interested in its ways; impresses other by power of speech and uses the special power of intellect to increase the income and thinks others intellectual power a bit inferior to that of self.

He native   having   Sun of deficient in educa¬tion; is intellectually worried; creats great influence through education and intellect; wins in the house of enemies; over-comes the greatest difficulties and     hindrances;    illuminates others how to over- come the difficulties; gets some diffi¬culty and enemity on the side of children; feels some influence on the side of maternal grand-father; spends much and gains due to intellect getting friendly relations with other houses.

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