Wednesday , February 19 2025
Role of Rahu and Ketu at the time of Death by Bhausaheb Sakurkar

Role of Rahu and Ketu at the time of Death by Bhausaheb Sakurkar

Role of Rahu & Ketu At the Time of Death


Bhausaheb Sakurkar, India

In Nadi Astrology Jupiter is Jeeva Karaka (Life Force Karaka) and Saturn is Karma Karaka (Significator of Ones Karma. Rahu is known as a Kalpurusha and Ketu is known for dejection, obstruction, disputes and salvation (Mukti).

When transiting Rahu connects with natal Jupiter then Rahu becomes Jeev Sankat Karaka (Problems to Life Force) and when transiting Ketu connects with natal Saturn then Ketu acts as Karma Mukti Karaka (End Of Karma). For transiting aspects by planets and nodes as per Nadi Astrology, please refer below.

Planets other than Rahu & Ketu

Transiting planet on same sign:         100 % Results

Transiting planet on 2nd, 5th, 9th sign: 75 % Results

Transiting planet on 7th sign:    50% Results

Transiting planet on 3rd & 11th sign:  25 % Results

(Please note retro planet aspects 12th sign from the planet with 75 % results)

For Rahu & Ketu

Transiting Rahu & Ketu on same sign: 100 % Results

Transiting Rahu & Ketu on 12th sign, 5thsign, 9th sign: 75 % Results

In Nadi Astrology for Rahu & Ketu, 7th aspect is not given as the other node is affecting that sign. Clarification for the 12th Aspect, example if retro planet or Rahu or Ketu is in Leo then it will aspect on the 12th sign i.e. Cancer and 5th & 9th aspects will be on Aries and Sagittarius respectively.

Timing Death Of the Native

Nadi Principle: Transiting Rahu and Ketu play a significant role in timing the death of a native.

Postulate 1: When transiting Rahu connects with natal Jupiter then Rahu becomes Jeeva Sankat Karaka (or) when transiting Jupiter connects with natal Rahu.

Postulate 2:  When transiting Ketu connects with natal Saturn then Ketu acts as Karma Mukti Karaka (or) when transiting Saturn connects with natal Ketu.

Whenever transiting Rahu establishes connection with natal Jupiter then it creates problems of ill health and accident to the Jeeva Karaka i.e., to the native and whenever transiting Ketu connects with natal Saturn (Karma Karaka) then it creates problems in the professional field but for death of the native, Rahu – Jupiter and Ketu – Saturn connections are required simultaneously.

Special Note

  • All these planets being slow in motion, very few times it will occur simultaneously in a life time.
  • After determining the longevity of the native (short, medium or long life) by other methods of longevity determination, astrologer can apply above rule to find out the exact year of death of the native. We will test the above rules with the help of following charts:

Chart 1:  Indira Gandhi – Indian Prime Minister

DOB: 19-Nov-1917; TOB: 23:11:00 Hrs (+5.30 east); POB: Allahabad, India 81 E 51, 25 N 27;

Karma can broadly and loosely be interpreted as Ones Actions. – SA

Chart 39

Indira Gandhi died on 31st Oct 1984 and Tr Rahu at 3 Ta 58 and Tr Ketu was at 3 Sc 58.

Postulate 1: Tr Rahu aspects natal Jup:  At the time of death Jeev Sankat Karaka Rahu was transiting over natal Jupiter and

Postulate 2: Tr Ketu aspects natal Saturn: Transiting Karma Mukti Karaka Ketu was connecting with its 5th aspect (Ketu moves in reverse hence not 9th but 5th aspect) to natal Saturn from Scorpio, satisfying both the postulates which is a clear indication of end of life.

Chart 2: Jawaharlal Nehru – India’s First Prime Minister

DOB: 14-Nov-1889; TOB: 23:21:00 Hrs (+5.30 east); POB: Allahabad, India 81 E 51, 25 N 27;

Nehru died on 27th May 1964 and Tr Rahu at 8 Ge 45 and Tr Ketu was at 8 Sg 45.

Postulate 1: Tr Rahu aspects natal Jup:  At the time of death Jeev Sankat Karaka Rahu in Ge was influencing over natal Jupiter in Sg by Jupiter’s 7th aspect over Tr Rahu and

Postulate 2: Tr Ketu aspects natal Saturn: Transiting Karma Mukti Karaka Ketu was connecting with its 5th aspect (Ketu moves in reverse hence not 9th but 5th aspect) to natal Saturn from Sagittarius, satisfying both the postulates which is a clear indication of end of jeeva (life) and karma.

Chart 3: Mahatma Gandhi – Father of the Nation (India)

DOB: 2-Oct-1869; TOB: 7:11:00 Hrs (+4.39 east); POB: Porbandar, India 69 E 49, 21 N 37;

Chart 41

Gandhiji died on 30th Jan 1948 and at the time of death Tr Rahu was at 26 Ar 29, Tr Ketu was at 26 Li 29 and Tr Saturn was at 26 Cn 53.

  1. Postulate 1: Transiting Rahu was over natal Jupiter in Aries, and
  2. Postulate 2: Transiting Saturn was connecting by 7th aspect to natal Ketu from Cancer, satisfying both the postulates and this is a clear indication of end of Jeeva and Karma.

Chart 4: Swami Vivekanand – Indian Hindu Monk 

DOB: 12-Jan-1863; TOB: 6:33:00 Hrs (+5.54 east); POB: Kolkata, India 88 E 30, 22 N 40;

Chart 42

Swamiji died on 04th July 1902 and at the time of death Tr Rahu was at 9 Li 20, Tr Ketu at 9 Ar 20 and Tr Saturn at 2 Cp 58.

  1. Postulate 1: Transit Rahu was over natal Jupiter in Libra, and
  2. Postulate 2: Transiting Saturn was aspecting natal Ketu with 5th nadi aspect from Capricorn, satisfying both the postulates which is a clear indication of end of Jeeva and

Chart 5: B. V. Raman – Founder of Astrological Magazine

DOB: 8-Aug-1912; TOB: 19:38:00 Hrs (+5.30 east); POB: Bangalore, India 77 E 35, 12 N 59;

Chart 43

He died on 20th Dec 1998 and at the time of death Tr Rahu was at 29 Cn 34, Tr Ketu was at 29 Cp 34, Tr Saturn was at 3 Ar 00 and Tr Jupiter was at 26 Aq 34.

  1. Postulate 1: Transiting Rahu connected by 9th aspect to natal Jupiter from Cancer, and
  2. Postulate 2: Transiting Ketu connected by 9th aspect to natal Saturn from Capricorn.
  3. In addition, transiting retro Saturn was establishing 7th aspect with Ketu from Pisces (previous sign as Saturn is retro) and natal Rahu was having 12th sign aspect on transiting Jupiter which is clear indication of end of Jeeva and Karma satisfying both our postulates.

Chart 6 : Shri Ramana Maharshi – Hindu Spiritual Guru

DOB: 30-Dec-1879; TOB: 1:00:00 Hrs (+5.30 east); POB: Tiruchuli, India 78 E 15, 9 N 50;

If you take mean nodes then Rahu will change into Leo and Ketu will change into Aquarius and this technique will not work. In order for young ones to determine which nodes to use, true or mean nodes, border line cases like this one are the most important to form opinions after a detailed study of such border line cases. – SA Publisher.

Chart 44

He died on 14th April 1950 and at the time of death  Tr Rahu was at 14 Pi 18 and Tr Ketu was at 14 Vi 18.

  1. Postulate 1: Transiting Rahu establishing 12th aspect with natal Jupiter in Aquarius, and
  2. Postulate 2: Natal Saturn was connecting by 7th aspect to transiting Ketu in Virgo, satisfying both the postulates which is a clear indication & shows the end of Jeeva and Karma.

Chart 7: Rajiv Gandhi – Late Prime Minister, India

DOB: 20-Aug-1944; TOB: 8:11:00 Hrs (war time); POB: Mumbai, India 72 E 50, 18 N 58; Asc 14 Le 36 as per K N Rao’s ‘The Nehru Dynasty’.

He died on 21st May 1991 and at the time of death Tr Rahu was at 26 Sg 31, Tr Ketu was at 26 Ge 31, Tr Sat was at 13 Cp 05 and Tr Jup was at 13 Cn 41.

  1. Postulate 1: Tr Rahu was at Sagittarius creating 5th aspect to natal Jupiter.
  2. Postulate 2: Tr Ketu in Gemini aspecting natal Saturn as Saturn is placed in Gemini.
  3. Additionally Tr Jupiter in Cancer was over natal Rahu and Tr Saturn in Capricorn was over natal Ketu satisfying all the postulates and thus giving a clear indication of end of Karma and Jeeva.


Any technique cannot be demonstrated over 1000’s of charts by any writer and sometimes readers get swayed over by articles where the author has picked up few charts and showed its working but there are always exception charts and we did find some such charts where this technique works with 70 % of the postulates only unless one uses the 2nd aspect of nodes which is a point of debate among nadi astrologers and not used here. One must also remember that no technique of a type of event (in this case death) will work on all charts of that type of event, some other technique will work on that chart, hence the Rishis have given various methods of transits on a particular type of event and not just one technique. Even the Rishis with all their divya drishti (divine sight) have not come out with a technique that will work on all charts like a panacea for all evils type. Modern astrologers commit this mistake of creating one Master technique for an event and so do modern readers commit the mistake of testing one technique on all charts. This type of mistake has happened by most of the readers in the last 100 years of modern astro journalism. I request all my colleagues to test this technique on more and more horoscopes and refine it further.

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