
Predicting Through the Time Triangle by Anita Khandpur

Predicting Through the Time Triangle by Anita Khandpur

Predicting Through The Time Triangle By Anita Khandpur This  is  a very simple method of doing day to day predictions when we do not have other  tools of prediction like the Tarot cards or the Horoscope. As taught to me by my teacher Mr. Sunil Purohit, I have been practicing …

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Saturn and Asceticism by R. Lakshmanan

Saturn and Asceticism by R. Lakshmanan

SA Volunteer: Keshav. V  (Taken From Astrological Magazine Of Raman Saheb, July 1982 Issue) In the October 1981 issue there was a learned article by Mr. Damodaran Nair, which is thought-provoking. The learned author, while rightly saying that generally Saturn in the 12th is bad, opined that Saturn in the …

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Requisites of a Genuine Astrologer by Dr. N. Gangadharan

Requisites of a Genuine Astrologer by Dr. N. Gangadharan

SA Volunteer – Amit Berry(Taken From Astrological Magazine Of Raman Saheb, April 1977 issue) One must study our ancient literature to know about the glorious past of our land. Our modern men are responsible for the degeneration of the Sanatana Dharma. Similarly our own are responsible for the neglect of …

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Planet – Moon by Anita Khandpur

Planet - Moon by Anita Khandpur

Planet – Moon By Anita Khandpur, India Lal  Kitab (Red Book) is a common name heard by many people across India. The remedies given in Lal Kitab are very simple and require very little time and they are inexpensive. There are many books available in the market by many authors …

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D60 Degree Rahu a Finer Attempt

D60 Degree Rahu a Finer Attempt

Method Step 1: Take the D60 & see the longitude of the planet In D60, e.g in above D60 chart long of Ven is 3Pi52 (whereas in D1 Ven is 5Ta04) Step 2: Now see Transits of planets noticing their degrees in their D1 Step 3: Superimpose these transits to …

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Propitiating the Planets – III by P. S. Iyer

Propitiating the Planets - III by P. S. Iyer

SA Volunteer: Shrikanth Gopalan ‘Taken with permission from The Astrological Magazine: March 1977 Rahu and Ketu Those in the employ of governments are familiar with a term known as officer on special duty. These officers do not have, normally, the powers or responsibilities or even the authorities of another officer …

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On Crowding of Planets by A.V. Marimuthu

On Crowding of Planets by A.V. Marimuthu

SA Volunteer: Manish Gour ‘Taken with permission from The Astrological Magazine: May 1977  ACCORDING to a sloka if a Bhava is viewed by the Lagna lord or by the Bhava lord, the concerned Bhava will prosper. That means if the 4th Bhava is viewed by the 4th   lord or by …

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Mischief of Maraka Planets by Gomathi Annapoorni

Mischief of Maraka Planets by Gomathi Annapoorni

SA Volunteer: Tanya Majeed (Taken From Astrological Magazine, March 1977 issue) A MARAKA is a death-giving or death-dealing planet, and a marakasthana is a house or place, occupation of which renders a planet a dangerous one, inclined to give troubles upto death. The English poet, Tennyson, in his Ulysses, sang: …

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Vaara Chakra Usage

Vaara Chakra Image

Om Datta Guru Dear Brendan, Let me attempt to answer i.e if I understood ur query on Vaara Chakra, Ramanarayanan can surely correct my understanding & throw more light as Vaara Chakra has many uses which are still not popularly known even in many paramparas to my knowledge. Vaara means day …

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Planet – Mars by Anita Khandpur

Planet - Mars by Anita Khandpur

Planet – Mars By Anita Khandpur, India Lal  Kitab (Red Book) is a common name heard by many people across India. The remedies given in Lal Kitab are very simple and require very little time and they are inexpensive. There are many books available in the market by many authors …

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