Lessons in Jaimini Astrology - 1 (1)

Lessons in Jaimini Astrology – 1 by Iranganti Rangacharya

Typed and Proof-read by Srinivas Yamajala, Hyderabad, India

 This is the first of a series on Jaimini Astrology, a tough subject, but made simple and free of all controversial arguments, Sanskrit quotations and Sutras for the quick comprehension of and proper application.

Aspects Defined:

Let us begin with the aspects. They are quite different from the planetary aspects in Parasari. The readers should remember that Parasari planetary aspects have nothing to do with those of Jaimini.

The twelve zodiacal signs are classified into three categories. They are Movable, Fixed and Dual signs. Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn are movable signs. Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius are fixed signs. Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces are movable signs. A movable signs aspects (looks at) three fixed signs. But it does not aspect its next sign, though it is a fixed sign. For example, Aries is a movable sign, Aries aspects Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. But it does not aspect Taurus though Taurus is a fixed sign. Similarly Cancer which is a movable sign aspects Scorpio, Aquarius and Taurus which are fixed signs. But Cancer does not aspect 2nd sign Leo, though Leo is a fixed sign. Similar is the case with the movable signs, Libra and Capricorn.

Let us see how fixed signs aspect. A fixed sign aspects three movable signs. But it does not aspect its 12th sign though the 12th sign is a movable sign. In other words, we may say the movable and fixed signs do not aspect their adjacent signs. For example, Taurus is a fixed sign, it aspects Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, but not Aries, its 12th sign though a movable sign. The aspects of the other fixed signs are also similar.

A dual sign aspects the other three dual signs. For example, Gemini aspects Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces.

Table of Aspects

table of Aspect

The planets in the signs can aspect both the signs and the planets in the signs. For example, a planet in Taurus can aspect Cancer, Libra and Capricorn and the planets in them.

Frontal and Lateral Signs:

Sage Jaimini enunciated this item of sign aspect simply that a sign can

aspect its frontal sign (Abhimukha) and Lateral signs (Parswa) as well.  What are the frontal signs? What are the lateral signs? The 8th of a movable sign, the 6th of a fixed sign, the 4th of a dual sign are the frontal signs. The 5th and 11th of a movable sign, the 3rd and 9th of a fixed sign, the 7th and 10th of a dual sign are the lateral signs. This exposition gives us to understand that a sign can aspect first its frontal sign and next its lateral signs.

How Gemini happens to be 4th of Virgo and Sagittarius the 4th of Pisces will be explained in the ensuing lessons. For the present, it would be enough to know that Gemini is the frontal sign of Virgo and Virgo is the frontal sign of Gemini. Similarly it should be remembered that Pisces is the frontal sign of Sagittarius and Sagittarius is the frontal sign of Pisces. But Gemini is not frontal sign of Pisces, nor is Pisces the frontal sign of Gemini. Similarly Virgo is not the frontal sign of Sagittarius nor Sagittarius the frontal sign of Virgo.

Table of Frontal and Lateral Signs:

Table of Frontakl & lateral signs

Aspecting Planet:

Let us see how the planets aspect. For example, Janma Lagna is Aries and Jupiter is placed in Scorpio. Hence Jupiter is considered to be aspecting Janma Lagna, Aries. Then Jupiter becomes the aspecting planet (A.P). Suppose Jupiter is placed in Sagittarius. Then Jupiter does not aspect Janma Lagna, Aries. It means that Jupiter in Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius aspects Janma Lagna, Aries. Then Jupiter becomes the aspecting planet. In fact, Jupiter in Leo can aspect Libra, Capricorn and Aries and the planets therein. But we say that Jupiter becomes aspecting planet when he sees Janma Lagna. Suppose Jupiter is in Scorpio. Then Jupiter aspects Capricorn, Aries and Cancer and planets in them. Because Jupiter is aspecting Janma Lagna, Aries, Jupiter becomes aspecting planet. Suppose Jupiter is placed in Sagittarius. Then Jupiter aspects Pisces, Gemini and Virgo and the planets therein. Because Jupiter is not aspecting Aries which is Janma Lagna, Jupiter does not become aspecting planet. Suppose Janma Lagna is Taurus and Jupiter is in Cancer. Jupiter aspects Scorpio, Aquarius and Taurus and the planets therein. Because Jupiter is aspecting Taurus which is Janma Lagna, Jupiter is considered an aspecting planet. Suppose Jupiter is in Leo or Virgo or Sagittarius or Scorpio or Aquarius or Aries or Gemini. Then he does not aspect Taurus which is Lagna and hence Jupiter does not become aspecting planet.

Thus we can understand how the planets aspect in the manner of sign aspects and become the aspecting planets. A planet placed in frontal sign aspecting Janma Lagna should be preferred. It means that in the absence of frontal aspects only, the lateral aspects may be accepted for the planet to become aspecting planet. Suppose Janma Lagna is Taurus. Cancer is occupied by the Sun and Libra is occupied by the Moon. Both the Sun and Moon aspect Janma Lagna, Taurus.  But the Moon in the frontal sign is aspecting Janma Lagna, Taurus, and hence the Moon becomes an aspecting planet.

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