Mischief of Maraka Planets by Gomathi Annapoorni

Mischief of Maraka Planets by Gomathi Annapoorni

SA Volunteer: Tanya Majeed

(Taken From Astrological Magazine, March 1977 issue)

A MARAKA is a death-giving or death-dealing planet, and a marakasthana is a house or place, occupation of which renders a planet a dangerous one, inclined to give troubles upto death.

The English poet, Tennyson, in his Ulysses, sang:

Death closes all; but something ere the end,

Some work of noble note may, yet, be done

Not becoming man that strove with Gods

The soldier’s warrior’s valour, the lawyer’s forensic eloquence, the doctor’s curative power and the surgeon’s skill, the vocal musician’s voice and the instrumental musician’s expert skill are all put an end to by death. So it behoves one to carefully study a horoscope, to find out if it is a long-lived one, or one of medium life or one of Alpayu (30 or 32 years or less). If in an Alpayu jataka (nativity), Dasa or period of maraka planet also runs, one must be wary of death closing all. But, if the horoscope shows long life of 75 or 80 years, Dasa of a maraka planet cannot kill but may give troubles and mental agony unless the maraka planet is deprived of his sting.

For Aries ascendant (Mesha Lagna), Venus, lord of the 2nd and 7th, Mercury, lord of the 3rd and the 6th and Saturn, lord of the 11th for a Chara (movable) Lagna or cardinal sign and hence a badhaka, are maracas. So sage Parashara says:

मन्द सौम्य सिताः पापाः  for Mesha Lagna. Not only that, the Rishi for Kaliyuga says:

न शुभं योगमात्रेण प्रभवेत शनि जीववोः।

परंतु तेन जीवस्य पापत्वमपि सिद्वयति॥

meaning that a combination of Saturn lord of the 10th and Jupiter lord of the 9th does not cause Raja Yoga; and on the other hand, if Jupiter is joined by or aspected by Saturn (lord of badhakasthana) Jupiter even becomes a doshi or papi (malefic) though he, as owner of the 9th and the 12th, is predominantly a benefic.

The following horoscope of the late Sri V. Govindarajachari, a leading civil lawyer who became a High Court Judge but died after only two years on the Bench, shows the evil of Venus lord of the 2nd and the 7th, and of Saturn, lord of the 11th, though also of the 10th.

Chart 23

He earned easily Rs. 4,000 to 6,000 per month as an appellate civil lawyer, was elevated to the Bench in Jupiter Dasa, swa (own) Bhukti and died at 52 in Saturn Bhukti. Lagnesa (lord of ascendant) is weak in the 3rd in Gemini, but is in Chandra Kendra (lunar angle). Venus and Saturn in the 7th gave him plenty of money, through a childless widowed sister and through his profession. The Moon is aspected not only by Mars but also by Jupiter; and from Chandra Lagna (natal Moon), the 9th and the 10th lords are together in the 10th, and the 2nd and the 11th lords are together in the 11th. Strangely, despite Malavya Yoga and Sasa Yoga, he had a premature death; and his fuller renown was cut off by untimely death. Venus and Saturn in the 7th gave an accomplished, good-looking and faithful wife; but, the sting of the lords of the 2nd and the 7th and of the lord of the 11th for a cardinal sign was felt and came like a thunderbolt. No wonder, people shudder when thinking of getting the Dasas of Venus lord of the 2nd and the 7th for a Chara Lagna, or Mercury, lord of the 3rd and the 6th and an enemy of Mars, lord of Lagna. Of course, there may be very rare exceptions, as when Venus, lord of the 2nd and the 7th, is in the 9th and aspected by Jupiter, lord of the 9th or if Venus and Mercury in the 3rd are in Chandradhi Yoga configuration.

For Taurus ascendant Jupiter, lord of the 8th and the 11th, is a maraka and a dire malefic, though a good exchange between Jupiter, lord of the 11th and Mercury, lord of the 2nd (and the 5th), gives Dhana Yoga.

For Gemini ascendant, Saturn lord of the 9th is not praised, as he is the lord of the 8th, though when is oocha (exaltation) in the 5th with Mercury he gives yoga. Jupiter lord of the 7th and the 10th, is a doshi and a maraka. Likewise, Mars, lord of the 6th and the 11th, is a bad malefic capable of maraka.

For Cancer ascendant, the Sun lord of the 2nd will seldom be a maraka, as he is a good friend of lagnesa the Moon. But, Saturn lord of the 7th and the 8th is a definite maraka, as also Mercury lord of the 3rd and the 12th, who, however, will be good in the 3rd. Venus, lord of the 4th and the 11th may kill in a case of poor longevity, unless he becomes a sadhaka placed in the 9th in Pisces. For Leo, Mercury is lord of the 2nd and the 11th. But, if in the 2nd in Virgo or in the 10th or in the 11th in Gemini, he gives high education, good speech and much money. If, however, he is weak he may show his mischief as a maraka. And, Venus, lord of the 3rd and the 10th is no doubt a maraka, in cases of poor longevity unless he is in th 9th or the 10th in own house or better in the 3rd in Libra. Bhavartha Ratnakara swears that, for Leo Venus in the 3rd in Libra is a shubha (benefic) or in the 5th.

For Kanya (Virgo) Lagna, Mars lord of the 3rd and the 8th is the worst planet, unless he is in the 3rd or relegated to the 12th. He is worse for Virgo, than Venus lord of the 3rd and the 8th for Pisces Ascendant, because he is inherently too a malefic. According to a Tamil aphorism: the lord of the 2nd and the 7th will not kill but the lord of the 3rd and the 8th will. This is on account of a Sanskrit aphorism dwimarako-na-marakah meaning that if a planet owns two maraka houses, he does not kill. If this were correct, Venus lord of the 2nd and lord of the 7th cannot and will not kill. But, the hard and solid fact emerging from actual practical experience is, that Venus, lord of the 2nd and the 7th in his Dasa and Bhukti, is apt to give and does give all troubles upto maraka. Of course, where the scheduled longevity has not been completed or is not nearing completion, Venus cannot and will not kill.

For Libra Lagna, Jupiter lord of the 3rd and the 6th is a dire maraka and bad malefic worse then Mars lord of the 2nd and the 7th, though there is a school of thought that Mars lord of the 2nd and the 7th may not kill, as the 7th lordship is good for a natural malefic. The Sun, lord of the 11th for Libra, is not so good but bad as a badhaka, so that there is a sloka that a native born in Libra Lagna with the Sun in the 12th lives long; and in experience natives with the Sun in the 12th or in debility in Lagna are well-off and prosperous.

For Vrischika (Scorpio) Lagna, Mercury lord of the 8th and the 11th is a maraka. But, if Mercury is in Lagna with Lagna lord Mars in the 11th or if Mercury is in the 11th in Virgo, the evil is considerably eliminated. Venus lord of the 7th and the 12th is a maraka. In his Dasa, even if one earns, one may not, at all, save. If Venus is in the 5th in Pisces, he gives a good wife and stylish life and enjoyment. And, if Jupiter, lord of the 5th is in the 7th and Venus lord of the 7th is in the 5th Pisces, the evil of Kalatradosha (affliction to spouse) or Putradosha (affliction to children) ascribed to the lord of the 5th in the 7th or the lord of the 7th in the 5th should not be predicted; on the other hand, the wife lives even till Shashtiabdipoorti (61st birthday) of the husband.

For Dhanus (Sagittarius) Lagna, Venus lord of the 6th and the 11th is a malefic and a maraka unless Venus lord of the 6th and the 11th is in the 11th (in the 6th from the 6th) avoiding the 6th or Venus is in a good Parivarthana or exchange with the Sun [the Sun in the 11th even though in neecha (debilitation) and Venus lord of the 11th is in the 9th] or better, Venus in the 4th in Pisces and Jupiter lord of the 4th is in the 11th. Here, I should pause for a moment to state that even though Parashara says that the evil lordship of the 8th does not affect or taint the Moon and the Sun yet, the Moon lord of the 8th is bad, though he may not kill. According to Uttarakalamrita, the Moon should join Jupiter or is well-aspected by Jupiter. Saturn lord of the 2nd and the 3rd is a maraka, unless he is in the 10th, or the 11th (oocha) or in the 3rd (own house).

For Makara (Capricorn) Lagna, the Sun lord of the 8th and a bitter enemy of Lagna lord, Saturn, is bad and baneful, unless he is in the 3rd or the 11th. Jupiter, lord of the 3rd and the 12th is also a maraka, though in the 3rd in own house or even in the 12th in own house, he is good enough. And, he may be in neecha in Lagna if with neechabhanga (cancellation of debilitation).

For Makara (Capricorn) Lagna, Saturn is a benefic, but, for Aquarius ascendant, for which he is lord of the 1st and the 12th he is not such an unmixed benefic. Mercury lord of the 5th and the 8th is not good for Kumbha (Aquarius) Lagna; but, the Sun lord of the 7th is not bad but good, especially when in the 3rd in oocha, or in the 10th or in the 11th whereas the Moon lord of the 6th is bad unless he is in the 6th or the 3rd.

For Meena (Pisces) Lagna, Venus lord of the 3rd and the 8th, who is best in the 3rd and good in the 8th, is a maraka; and the Sun, lord of the 6th, is not good. But, Mars, though lord of the 2nd, being lord of the 2nd, and the 9th, is a good benefic.

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