Tag Archives: Nadi Astrology

Integrating Astrological by Giovanna Mazzarino

Integrating Astrological by Giovanna Mazzarino

Integrating Astrological & Bach Flower Remedies Counselling: by Giovanna Mazzarino Dr. Edward Bach (1886-1936) was a physician, bacteriologist, homeopath who developed a complementary treatment known as Bach Flower Remedies, based on the holistic conviction that mind-body-spirit are all related the one to the other. According to him, disease was a …

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Employment Timing Analysis by G.H. Visweswara

Employment Timing Analysis by G.H. Visweswara

Introduction In this article, several actual employment events are presented and analysed. Based on this analysis, the common and consistently applicable set of simple conditions that emerge, right down to the date of beginning, are extracted and presented. The only ‘role players’ considered are: (i) for dashas: planets related to …

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Gandanta Case Studies by G. H. Visweswara

Gandanta Case Studies by G. H. Visweswara

Introduction: Rashi Sandhi & Gandanta: What literature on astrology says. Literature on Astrology says that planets positioned at the end of all the signs cause health as well as relationship problem. The karakatwa related to those houses such as marriage, profession would not be stable. Planets placed at the beginning …

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The Astrology of Osteoporosis by Gautam Dave

The Astrology of Osteoporosis by Gautam Dave

Osteoporosis is a condition characterized by a decrease in the density of bone reducing its strength and resulting in fragile bones. Osteoporosis literally leads to abnormally porous bone that is compressible, like a sponge. This disorder of the skeleton weakens the bone and results in frequent fractures (breaks) in the …

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Nabhasa Yogas by G.K. Goel

Nabhasa Yogas Image

“If one has realized one’s self here, truth is fulfilled; if one does not realize one’s self here, it is a supremely GREAT loss. Reflecting upon the self in every experience the wise transcend this world and immortality (Self)”. -Kenopanishad, Cp2 (5) Introduction Each planet, Rasi (Sign) and Bhava (house) …

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Concept of Bhavottama House Bhava Vargottama by G. K. Goel

Prasana Marga annunciates following seven yogas, which lays down the basis of formation of yogas of all categories:                                    Chapter Nine-Sloka: 49, 50, 51 and 52: There are seven varieties of yogas: a. those …

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Awakening the Inner Sense – Some Methods and Meditation Objects

Awakening the Inner Sense – Some Methods and Meditation Objects

Awakening the Inner Sense – Some Methods &  Meditation Objects What we know as our weekday is a tide of miscellaneous information which we receive with our five senses and put together to an integral picture in the brain. The sense organs are the gates of our body – they …

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An Introduction to Islamic Remedies – 2 by Ehsan Khazeni

An Introduction to Islamic Remedies - 2 by Ehsan Khazeni

An Introduction To Islamic Remedies – 2 By Ehsan Khazeni In previous part, I discussed about Islamic remedies. In this part, I will explain more about using Arabic names of god and verses of Quran. Arabic Names of God and Planetary configuration Using Arabic names of god are widely recommended …

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Saptamsa Varga by Ernst Wilhelm

Saptamsa Varga by Ernst Wilhelm

Saptamsa Varga By Ernst Wilhelm Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra states that the Saptamsa indicates children and grandchildren. This fact may come as a surprise since it is the 5th house that indicates children, not the 7th house. Children are, however, the result of sexual intercourse, which is ruled by the …

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Shadbala Mp3 Course by Ernst Wilhelm

Shadbala Mp3 Course by Ernst Wilhelm

DESCRIPTION OF PLANETS IN CONNECTION TO SHADBALA ( collected from different parts of the presentation ) INDEX SUN MOON MERCURY MARS VENUS JUPITER SATURN SUN Confidence selfesteem, what you believe worthwile you can also believe in achieving it… Feel confident to do what feels purposeful… Selfesteem as quality of soulcontact …

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