Tag Archives: Vinayak Bhatt

The Mystic Red Book by Rabinder Nath Bhandari

Narpatijaycharya by Sri Narpati Translated by Alok Jagawat Chapter 1 (1)

In English this rare work is called the ‘Red Book’ & in Urdu/Hindi it is called Lal Kitab. In my opinion, it is tough to explain Lal Kitab in few words, because this book provides vast information regarding readings and interpretation of effects of Past Karmas {deeds} on any individual, …

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The Original Lomasha Samhita Chapter 9 Translated by Chandrashekhar Sharma

The Original Lomasha Samhita Chapter 9 Translated by Chandrashekhar Sharma

Role of Rahu & Ketu At the Time of Death By Bhausaheb Sakurkar (7) विप्र उवाच The Brahmin (Sujanma, the disciple of Lomasha and son of Sumati) said: परजातं कथं ज्ञेयं कथं ज्ञेयं शुभाशुभं। दशा कस्य कदा ज्ञेयं ग्रहाणां राशिनां फलं॥१॥ दशाः कतिविधाः संति ह्येतन्मे ब्रूहि तत्त्वतः। महर्षे त्वं समर्थोऽसि …

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Aries Ascendants Sun in Different Houses for Aries Ascendants

Aries Ascendants Sun in Different Houses for Aries Ascendants

Sun in Different Houses for Aries Ascendants Aries Ascendants: Sun in Different Houses for Aries AscendantsJatak with Sun of Aries in the 1st house from the ascendant  is learned (Sun is 5L of education here coming to self the 1st house) ; gets  the ideal power of/through education; finds the …

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Role of Rahu and Ketu at the time of Death by Bhausaheb Sakurkar

Role of Rahu and Ketu at the time of Death by Bhausaheb Sakurkar

Role of Rahu & Ketu At the Time of Death By Bhausaheb Sakurkar, India In Nadi Astrology Jupiter is Jeeva Karaka (Life Force Karaka) and Saturn is Karma Karaka (Significator of Ones Karma. Rahu is known as a Kalpurusha and Ketu is known for dejection, obstruction, disputes and salvation (Mukti). …

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Nadi Principles for Timing Terrorist Strikes in India by Bhausaheb Sakurkar

Nadi Principles for Timing Terrorist Strikes in India by Bhausaheb Sakurkar

Nadi Principles for Timing Terrorist Strikes in India By Bhausaheb Sakurkar It has been observed in this research article that the conditions under which the terrorists have attacked India are when the following postulates are satisfied. Postulate 1: Transiting Rahu or Ketu aspects Natal Rahu or Ketu in India’s chart. …

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Spectacular Predictions with Just Degrees an Attempt

Spectacular Predictions with Just Degrees an Attempt

Scribe was given broad range of 1972 to 1981 as the event period of Death of father and scribe fixed it to two dates with Yogini Dasa , Shoola Dasa & niryana dasa but failed maybe due to scribes lowering level of understanding of these dasas. Now see 8H is …

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Nadi Principle for Timing Terrorist Strikes on India by Bhausaheb Sakurkar

Nadi Principle for Timing Terrorist Strikes on India by Bhausaheb Sakurkar

Nadi Principle for Timing Terrorist Strikes on India By Bhausaheb Sakurkar It has been observed in this research article that the conditions under which the terrorists have attacked India are when the following postulates are satisfied. Postulate 1: Transiting Rahu or Ketu aspects Natal Rahu or Ketu in India’s chart. …

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1993 Bomb explosions in Mumbai – Extra Analysis

Bomb explosions in Mumbai - Extra Analysis

1993 Bomb explosions in Mumbai – Extra Analysis Sir, So far thousands have lost their lives and many more injured in coordinated attacks by terrorists in Indian  history. Why this is happening ? Being a student of astrology, out of curiosity, I collected all available data of various attacks, prepared …

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Spectacular Predictions with Just Degrees an Attempt

Spectacular Predictions with Just Degrees an Attempt

With prayers to Lomush Rishi we start this work to give us success in this, as it was he who revealed the usage of degrees to his wife Suvarna, though at this stage I am unable to discern the methods mentioned by him. I pray to Lomush Rishi to kindly …

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Role of Rahu and Ketu at the Time of Death by Bhausaheb Sakurkar

Role of Rahu & Ketu At the Time of Death By Bhausaheb Sakurkar

Role of Rahu & Ketu At the Time of Death By Bhausaheb Sakurkar In Nadi Astrology Jupiter is Jeeva Karaka (Life Force Karaka) and Saturn is Karma Karaka (Significator of Ones Karma[1]). Rahu is known as a Kalpurusha and Ketu is known for dejection, obstruction, disputes and salvation (Mukti). When …

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