Tag Archives: Vinayak Bhatt

Trikona Dasa – A Critical Review by Iranganti Rangacharya

Trikona Dasa – A Critical Review

The relevant Jaimini aphorism of Trikona Dasa is:   मातृ पितृ धर्म प्राण्यादि स्त्रिकोणेmātṛ pitṛ dharma prāṇyādi strikoṇe which simply states that Trikona Dasa begins from Janma Lagna or the 5th house or the 9th house whichever is stronger. There is no divided opinion among the commentators with regard to …

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Gripping of Planets by the Node -3 by Babu bhai Yodh and B.D. Vaghela

Gripping of Planets by the Node -3 by Babu bhai Yodh and B.D. Vaghela

Two articles were published in previous issues of Saptarishis Astrology Volume-3 and Volume-4 on this topic. This is the third article in continuation of the same theory of Gripping of Planets by the Nodes. We may summarize the rules given in the previous articles as under:- A Planet in conjunction, …

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The Nine Jewels of Vikramarka by Iranganti Rangacharya

by Iranganti Rangacharya

Two thousand years ago, Vikramarka ruled Bharat with the capital city of Ujjaini. , He is remembered even today, the most renowned of the great emperors, not merely by his conquest of several countries, hut by his magnificent wealth, nobility and literary servitude. He lies immortal in our Indian epic …

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The Evil of Ekargala in Marriage Muhurtha by Iranganti Rangacharya

The Evil of Ekargala In Marriage Muhurtha

Typed and proofread by Ravi Gollapalli, Hyderabad, India  Taboo for Marriages EKARGALA IS ONE of the 21 great evils mentioned in texts of electional astrology. This great evil is disallowed for marriage Muhurthas, particularly in Kashmir (एकार्गलं तु काश्मीरे वेधं सर्वझ वर्जयेत्). One of the limbs of Panchanga is Yoga …

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The Benedictory verse of Brihat Jataka by Iranganti Rangacharya

The Benedictory verse of Brihat Jataka by Iranganti Rangacharya

The first sanskrit verse of Brihad Jataka is benedictory.  It is the verse of obeisance too to the Sun God. In the second verse, Varaha Mihira enunclates that his exposition of Hora Sastra in a nutshell slides on through the verses of various prosodi metres, with inward multiple meanings.  The …

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Nadi Method of Marriage by Ashutosh Bharadwaj

Nadi Method of Marriage by Ashutosh Bharadwaj

For many of us Marriage is a mystery, it is very hard in Astrology to find the date and type of marriage. There are lots of methods to find the date of marriage in astrology. One we will discuss here and I am not taking credit of this method as …

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10th House – Paradox of Laghu Parasari by Ashok Upadhaya

10th House – Paradox of Laghu Parasari

What is 10th House? 10th house is the highest expansion of the Ascendant in form of physical existence. 10th house is the destiny (9th house) of the ‘Self-Survival’ (2nd house) For the Ascendant the 2nd house is a neutral as per Laghu Parasari but from the 10th house it (2nd) …

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The Best Kept Secret of Pukhraj by Alok Jagawat

The Best Kept Secret of Pukhraj by Alok Jagawat

“Ratnen Shubhen Shubham Bhavati nripanamanishtamshuben” Yasmadtah parikshyam daivam ratnashritam tajagaye” This is the first stanza from the chapter “Ratnaparikshadhyaya” from the ancient classic “Braht Samitha”. It says that auspicious, clean and best quality gems bring prosperity to kings, and bad quality gems bring bad luck to kings. So an astrologer …

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Jaimini Chara Dasas and Prediction by Gary Gomes

Jaimini Chara Dasas and Prediction by Gary Gomes

This article will show how to use the Jaimini Chara Dasas as a predictive tool.  The Chara dasa system of prediction is a general use Mahadasa, similar in its flexibility to the Vimshottari dasa system that works very well for most predictive patterns. The next section will provided a brief recap …

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Saptarishi Nadi Gemini Ascendant by Bala Subramanium

Saptarishi Nadi Gemini Ascendant by Bala Subramanium

Kindly tell me the results of a horoscope where Mercury, Mars and Sun in Libra, Venus and Rahu in Scorpio, Moon in Aquarius, Saturn and Ketu in Taurus, Jupiter in Gemini and Lagna is Gemini. The native of this chart lives in a street running east to west and the …

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