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Tampering with Special Arudha Rules of BPHS by Jagdish Raj Ratra

Tampering with Special Arudha Rules of BPHS by Jagdish Raj Ratra

LATE Shri C. S. Patel in introduction to his book ARUDHA SYSTEM OF PREDICTIONS made these comments: – “Maharshi Jaimini has extensively dealt with the Arudha Pada System of Astrology.  Though, Sage Parashar has originally sown the seeds on BPHS.  Later on JAIMINI delved deep and located many pearls out …

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Death by Snake Bite by Nitan Charan Ray

Death by Snake Bite by Nitan Charan Ray

Credits: August 1984, Astrological Magazine of Shri B V RamanTyped for SA By: Mohini Cox, Australia Many a bad yoga on death through snake bite or poisoning has been enumerated in the writings of ancient sages. Some of these yogas are: (a) Rahu and Venus in the 10th.(b) Rahu and …

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Life’s Awkward Years by Jillian Vera Norris

Life’s Awkward Years by Jillian Vera Norris

All of the planets will make helpful or harsh aspects to their own natal positions in a chart, and of particular note are both the 28/29 year transit cycle of Saturn, and the 27 year progressed cycle of the Moon.  Over a lifetime, they often abut or overlap each other’s …

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Saturn’s 8th House Aspect by Hemant Bhatt

Role of Rahu & Ketu At the Time of Death By Bhausaheb Sakurkar (3)

With obeisance to Lord Ganapati, and to the beloved Saturn who is the karaka for Karma, we submit this technique at the holy feet of Sage Bhrighu, the founder of Bhrighu astrology, the greatest one who no doubt is most beloved for showing us all that we do not know …

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Jain Nakshastras Tatva and Nakshatras – An Exposition

Jain Nakshastras Tatva and Nakshatras – An Exposition

Jain Nakshastras Tatva & Nakshatras – An Exposition By Hemant Shah, India. In Indian Culture great importance has been given to Tatva (Element) and Nakshatra (Asterism). In our culture more importance to PanchaMaha Bhoota – 5 Elements, among these 5 we find 4 elements being prominently considered in Jyotish. In …

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The Fascinating Dashamamsha – 2 by Dr K. S. Charak

The Fascinating Dashamamsha - 2 by Dr K. S. Charak

Indicator of Inherent Nature and Inclinations By Dr K S Charak, India. An interesting study of the Dashamamsha would be to compare the charts of the two prominent French leaders, Segolene Royal (Chart 4: born on September 22, 1953, at 16:10 hours, at Dakar, Senegal, 14ºN40′, 17ºW26′) and Nicolas Sarkozy …

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The Fascinating Dashamamsha – 1 by Dr K. S. Charak

The Fascinating Dashamamsha - 1 by Dr K. S. Charak

Indicator of Inherent Nature and Inclinations By Dr K. S. Charak, India Readership Level: Intermediate to Advanced One of the most fascinating of the sixteen vargas, or divisions of a rashi of thirty degrees, is the Dashamamsha. This particular varga, which indicates one-tenth of a rashi or an arc of …

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Integrating Astrological by Giovanna Mazzarino

Integrating Astrological by Giovanna Mazzarino

Integrating Astrological & Bach Flower Remedies Counselling: by Giovanna Mazzarino Dr. Edward Bach (1886-1936) was a physician, bacteriologist, homeopath who developed a complementary treatment known as Bach Flower Remedies, based on the holistic conviction that mind-body-spirit are all related the one to the other. According to him, disease was a …

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2009-2010 Predictions from Chakrapani

Predictions from Chakrapani

Dear Friends, The nature of the days at hand has brought challenge to so many that clients are contacting me regularly to gain some perspective on the global trends presently operating. In response I would like to offer the following: First, before I address the present year, to give some …

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Secret Usage of Karakas – 1 by Laura Barat

Secret Usage of Karakas - 1 by Laura Barat

Cruel and Gentle Grahas Tiers of Prediction Karakas and Vargas Karakas in Bhavas Cruel and Gentle Grahas Grahas are either inherently Saumya (gentle) or Krura (cruel).  The Saumya Grahas are Jupiter, Venus, Mercury if alone or with another benefic, and the waxing Moon.  If Mercury is with a Saumya Graha …

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Employment Timing Analysis by G.H. Visweswara

Employment Timing Analysis by G.H. Visweswara

Introduction In this article, several actual employment events are presented and analysed. Based on this analysis, the common and consistently applicable set of simple conditions that emerge, right down to the date of beginning, are extracted and presented. The only ‘role players’ considered are: (i) for dashas: planets related to …

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Application of Epistemology to Astrology by Luciano Drusetta

Application of Epistemology to Astrology by Luciano Drusetta

Translated and Rewritten into English by the Author Reviewed & Proof Read for SA by: Pamela Jablonski U.S.A. (Answer to a question originally posted on the Usenet newsgroup of astrology First published as an article in Ciro Discepolo’s magazine Ricerca ’90 issue 39 “Dear XY; In the newsgroup you …

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Chronicle of a Debate by Luciano Drusetta

Chronicle of a Debate by Luciano Drusetta

translated into Castilian by the Author Reviewed by: Gloria Guajardo All rights reserved Article published in the journal Cyrus astrological Discepolo “Ricerca ’90” number 43 from page 52 From time to time on the Internet also turns into fashion the fascinating (but sometimes boring) debate on the topic: Astrology and …

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2009 Triple Eclipses by Chakrapani Ullal

Triple Eclipses by Chakrapani Ullal

Many of you are aware that there are three eclipses in 2009 and have inquired as to the significance.  The following is a short explanation. As you may know, the first eclipse, a lunar eclipse occurred on July 7.  A second, more important solar eclipse occurred on July 21, 22, …

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Nawaz Sharif swearing-in chart Analysis by M Imran

Nawaz Sharif swearing-in chart Analysis by M Imran

Lagna Scorpio and lagna lord Mars are falling into fixed sign. Significator of government and ruler (Sun) has high shadbal and ashtakavarga score. Prima facie, this is a good omen for sustainability of government. Lang lord Mars is associated with 10th lord Sun in kendra. As a result, premature termination …

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