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On the System of Bhrigu by Pandit Asutosh Ghosh

BHrigu Image

On the System of Bhrigu By Pandit Asutosh Ghosh, B.A., (Hons), B.L. BEFORE proceeding to deal with the Mahamuni Bhrigu’s princi­ples of reading the houses as revealed in his Bhrigu Mula Sutram and Bhrigu yogavalis, it  will be much appreciative and elucidatory if a bird’s eye view to taken of …

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Amazing Astro Experiences and Prashna Chart by Anil Aggarwal

Amazing Astro Experiences and Prashna chart

Amazing Astro Experiences & Prashna chart By Anil Aggarwala In Sept .1973 Normally then everybody use to sleep in the verandahs in summer. As usual, my Dadi (grandmother) was sleeping next to my cot. My father had given an add. for my Marriage fixation then. Just then when I got …

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The Hand and the Horoscope by T. Stokes

The Hand and the Horoscope

“The hand never lies” By T.Stokes, U.K Stokes is known worldwide as the “Consultant Palmist” & is regarded as one of the finest palmists in the West. He has many years of combined practice, blending from an array of diagnostic skills coupled with 10 years training in the Harry Edwards …

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Longevity Research for a New Theory of Pam Block by Basilioli Sandro

Chart 20

Abstract Of The First Article To find Longevity of the person, the mathematics is employed based on the parameters of Hindu Vedic Astrology. The parameters used are Lagna and Hora Lagna. The signs of these two Lagna in three Varga charts, viz. D-3, D-9, and D-10 are considered. Based on …

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Astrology-An Aid to Birth Control by R. Santhanam

Astrology-An Aid to Birth Control by R. Santhanam

SA Volunteer: Pearl Finn (Taken From Astrological Magazine of Raman Saheb, April 1977 Issue) Astrology – An Aid to Birth Control SANTHANAM “FAMILY PLANNING  in our country is an essential part of our whole strategy of enlarging welfare.  Greater welfare is in fact the only reason for family planning. And …

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All about Saturn – II by P. S. Sastri

Saturn Image

SA Volunteer: Pearl Finn ‘Taken with permission from The Astrological Magazine: October 1977 We can now refer to the conjunction of Saturn with other planets. It should be remembered that any conjunction cannot go beyond 8°. In the case of the Sun, we may allow 12° only. Let us consider …

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Longevity Research for a New Theory of Pam Block by Basilioli Sandro

Longevity Research for a New Theory of Pam Block

INTRODUCTION  BY BASILIOLI SANDRO  ( VEDIKO ) 3 STEP PAM VEDIC THEORY ( PART 2 ) In my first article of my theory , I have showed the 1st step to find pam-1 using the three division charts of Drekkana, Navamsha and Dwadasamsha. The pointers I use after tying different …

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A Less Known Technique of Prediction by R. Santhanam

A Less Known Technique of Prediction by R. Santhanam

Typed and Reviewed by: Pamela Jablonski USA (Taken From Astrological Magazine Of Raman Saheb, July 1982 Issue) In the December 1977 issue of THE ASTROLOGICAL MAGAZINE, I had discussed an old technique of prediction from Jyotisha Pragnana Dipika, a Tamil classic, detailing the method of classifying various natal charts in …

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Dnyaneshwari The Philosophical Part – 6 by V. V. Shairvarkar

Dnyaneshwari The Philosophical Part – 6 by V. V. Shairvarkar

Meditation Yogi Not Different From Sanyasi Shri Krishna further said, “Yogi (Karmayogi) and sanyasi are both same.  You may think they are different but on careful thinking carefully you will find that they are same.  Except for the differences in names it is clear that yoga is the same as …

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Dnyaneshwari the Philosophical Part – 5 by V. V. Shairvarkar

Dnyaneshwari the Philosophical Part – 5 by V. V. Shairvarkar

Renunciation Arjuna’s Doubt Arjuna is now confused and asks Shri Krishna. “First you told me to give up actions and now you are insisting on actions. (5:2). Which of the two paths is better?” (5:6)  Karmayoga & Karmasanyas Are Same In.  Effect Shri Krishna said, “Both Karmasanyasa (renouncing actions) and …

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Dnyaneshwari the Philosophical Part – 4 by V. V. Shairvarkar

Dnyaneshwari the Philosophical Part - 4 by V. V. Shairvarkar

Yoga Of Knowledge Karmayoga Is Ancient Shri Krishna says, “I had told this Yoga (Karmayoga) earlier to Vivaswat (the Sun-deity) But that was long ago. He then told this to Vaivaswat Manu. Manu acted according to it and advised Ikshwaku about it. In this tradition many Royal Yogis came to know …

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The Wonders of Nadi Astrology by K. V. Venkataramanan

The Wonders of Nadi Astrology by K. V. Venkataramanan

(Taken From Astrological Magazine of Raman Saheb, Jan 1957 Issue) Reviewed By Rajendra R Shah for Saptarishis Astrology Astrology is one of the branches of celestial knowledge in which India stands unrivalled. Even the ultramodern American and European astrologers in spite of their much-boosted advance in astronomy by which they …

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History and Origin of Palmistry by N. L. Desai

History and Origin of Palmistry by N. L. Desai

‘To Dr Raman With Love’  (Taken From Astrological Magazine Of Raman Saheb, Jan 1957 Issue) SA Reviewer: Raj Rao Palmistry is the science of divining the fate of human beings as indicated by the signs and lines on the palm. Fate is nothing but an inevitable result of an unending …

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Longevity Research for a New Theory of Pam Block by Basilioli Sandro

Longevity Research for a New Theory of Pam Block

3 Step Pam Vedic Theory ( Part 2 ) By Basilioli Sandro, Italy  ( vediko ) Editor: Rajendra Shah In my first article of my theory , I have showed the 1st step to find pam-1 using the three division charts of Drekkana, Navamsha and Dwadasamsha. The pointers I use …

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