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Predicting Karma Through Nadi Astrology by Bhaskar Chakraborty

Predicting Karma Through Nadi Astrology by Bhaskar Chakraborty

PREDICTING KARMA THROUGH NAADI ASTROLOGY Bhaskar Chakraborty Karma literally means “deed” or the act or the actions. Karma has a wider range of  meaning. Even what we are thinking can be termed as a karma. It is the idea which later on transforms into the action. It is finely tuned …

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Why Predictions Go Wrong? – I by P. S. Iyer

Why Predictions Go Wrong? - I by P. S. Iyer

SA Volunteer: Manohar Mulchandani  (Taken From Astrological Magazine Of Raman Saheb, May 1977 Issue) [The modern readers of past few decades would not know who is P S Iyer, a predictor like him has not been born again it is said. His father would take him to their family cow …

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Moon`s Water Type in Various Houses of Horoscope by Rabinder Nath Bhandari

Moon`s Water Type in Various Houses of Horoscope by Rabinder Nath Bhandari

Moon`s Water Type in Various Houses of Horoscope:  It’s Relation with Quality and Level of Education By Rabinder Nath Bhandari If we consider Moon as water, then which type/ quality of water will be represented by Moon through its placement in different houses of an native’s horoscope? I will point …

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Saptamsha and Marriage Timing

Saptamsha and Marriage Timing

Manasagri quotes Saptamsha for marriage timing and if I remember well KNRao has mentioned it in his book ‘Nehru Dynasty’ Saptamsha is the 7th division & 7H in D1 is marriage, so logically 7th divisional chart should be used for marriage. Case 1: B.F (Ref code: Senior Jyotish Guru USA) …

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Need for Accurate Lagna- 1 by R. Lakshmanan

Need for Accurate Lagna- 1 by R. Lakshmanan

SA Volunteer: Bhavna Chopra Taken from Astrological Magazine, May 1977 issue [He has been one of the heroes of Astrological Magazine of Dr Raman and a stalwart in astrology. Unfortunately no one remembers him. Those who have read his now out of print book on Indian astrology on various ascendants …

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Nadi Astrology Part- 2 By Dr. B.V. Raman

Nadi Astrology 2

SA Volunteer: Manish Gour Special Thanks: AIAC Team, Chicago ‘Taken from The Astrological Magazine: Dec. 1977 issue I  just give some examples. If the Ascendant is Taurus and the sensitive point is Kumaramsa 1st part (Such a name is not found in any of the Shashtyamsas) the person will be …

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Horoscope in Your Hand by Rabinder Nath Bhandari

Horoscope in Your Hand by Rabinder Nath Bhandari

Horoscope In Your Hand By Rabinder Nath Bhandari It sounds strange but is true that every human life is influenced by the effects of planetary behavior, their good or bad placement, which type of affects they are receiving from other planets through their mutual placements or aspects. Favorable relations improve …

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Nadi Astrology Part- 1 by Dr. B.V. Raman

Nadi Astrology 1

SA Typing Volunteer: Manish Gour Taken from The Astrological Magazine: Vol 66 No 10 Special Thanks: AIAC, Chicago Summary of a lecture delivered by the Raman Saheb at the Astrological Lodge, London, on 25-9-1970 Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen: worthy President Mr. Ronald C Davison to address the well known …

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Kaala’s Movement in Shastiamsa (D60)

Kaala’s Movement in Shastiamsa (D60)

There are many methods to use Shani’s Transit & Aspect of Shani has been used in most novel manners in Nadi Granthas like Bhrigu Nadi & Deva Kerelam (Chandra Kala Nadi) which are different from the traditional 3,7,10 aspect. Legendary 91 yr old astrologer Shri C.S.Patel has shown nadi methods …

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Horary Astrology by Trilochan Senapati

Horary Astrology

SA Typing Volunteer: Mummadi Sridhar (Taken From Astrological Magazine of Raman Saheb, April 1977 Issue) Horary astrology is a very interesting branch of the science which reveals to us the past, present and future from the Prasna chart cast for the time of query to the astrologer which is most …

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Gripping of Planets by the Node -3 by Babu bhai Yodh

Gripping of Planets by the Node -3 by Babu bhai Yodh

Gripping of Planets By The Node -3 By Babubhai Yodh & B.D. Vaghela Two articles were published in previous issues of Saptarishis Astrology Volume-3 and Volume-4 on this topic. This is the third article in continuation of the same theory of Gripping of Planets by the Nodes. We may summarize …

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Lomasha Samhita Chapter on the Fructification of Bhavas

Lomasha Samhita Chapter on the Fructification of Bhavas

Lomasha Samhita Chapter On The Fructification of Bhavas अथ लोमशसंहितास्थितः भावफलाध्यायः atha lomaśasaṁhitāsthitaḥ bhāvaphalādhyāyaḥ Translation Ashok Kumar Pandey, India & Anup Das, India A ‘Mission Saptarishis’ Initiative [Publisher: Saptarishis Astrology Team wishes to thank Mr Ashok Kumar Pandey for translating this rare work on of Sage Lomasha (some write it …

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“Vakya” and “Drig-Ganita” by L. V. S. MANI

Vakya Image

Prof.. L. V. S. MANI, B.A. (Hons.) SA Volunteer: Mummadi Sridhar (Taken From Astrological Magazine of Raman Saheb, May 1977 Issue) ONLY a few learned scholars know the difference between Drig–Ganita and Vakya (or Siddhanta) Panchanga.  Then what to say of lay men?  This article is the outcome of requests …

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Yogkarak and Profession Place of Interset

Yogkarak and Profession Place of Interset

YOGKARAK   AND  PROFFESSION/PLACE OF INTEREST Yogkarak is a planet which has the ownership on one house in Kendra and another in trines. Placement of yogkarak tells us about the profession of a person or where his Interests are. Some Lagnas have natural  yogkarak  and the lagnas where a planet does …

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Transit Influences by Dr. P. S. Sastri

Transit Influences by Dr. P. S. Sastri

Dr. P. S. SASTRI, M.A., Ph.D., M.Litt. SA Volunteer: Mummadi Sridhar (Taken From Astrological Magazine Of Raman Saheb, Dec 1977 Issue) ALLIED to the badhaka places is the problem of Argala.  Jaimini, has six sutras on this question.  They are: दार भाग्य शूल स्वर्गलानिध्यातुः। कामस्थातु भूयसा पापानाम्॥ रिःफ नीचकामस्या विरोधिनः। …

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